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Vision and Objectives British Council / Estado de México 2011

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1 Vision and Objectives British Council / Estado de México 2011
Project English Vision and Objectives British Council / Estado de México 2011

2 Project English: Vision and Objectives
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the Project Vision and Objectives session, participants will be better able to: Understand and inform others about the Project Vision and Objectives Understand and engage with the objectives of Phase 1 Begin to get to know each other as Facilitadores

3 Project Vision

4 Vision All kindergarten, primary and secondary school teachers in the State of Mexico will be able to effectively implement the Mexican National Curriculum for English, using English as the main language of instruction and the competence-based teaching approaches and methodologies currently favoured by Mexican Ministry of Education.

5 Vision All Heads of schools will understand the vision and objectives of the training project and will actively support Teacher Educators, Mentors and English teachers in the achievement of project aims, promoting activities among local authorities, parents, teachers and pupils.

6 Vision All Teacher Educators trained through the project will understand the content, approach and methodology of the Mexican National Curriculum for English and will be able to provide regular and consistent training and mentoring services for teachers as well as collaborative support for each other through the electronic sharing of training materials.

7 Vision All English Teachers will feel more confident in their use of English and appropriate methodologies in the classroom, will be consistently and usefully supported by the Teacher Educators assigned to their school, and will come to perceive themselves as part of a national and international network of professional teachers.

8 Vision The English language achievement of pupils of kindergarten, primary and secondary schools in the State of Mexico will improve, to match the aims of the Mexican National Curriculum for English, thanks to the on-going exchange of knowledge and expertise between UK and Mexican English language teaching specialists.


10 General Objectives To provide intensive training in Teacher Educator and Mentoring skills for Formadores de Facilitadores with the aim of providing regular on-going teacher education and mentoring across the state

11 General Objectives To cascade training and on-going professional support activities in order to extend the English language confidence and skills, pedagogical knowledge and professional competences of teachers following the NEPBE

12 General Objectives To enable English teachers to become autonomous and self-directed in their own future professional development through networking and sharing experience with other teachers

13 General Objectives To raise awareness of the project objectives and course outcomes among Heads of Schools and administrators so that they fully understand the contents and activities planned and support their implementation

14 Specific Objectives: Teacher Educators and Mentors
To become the best Teacher Educators and Mentors in their profession, in Mexico

15 Specific Objectives: Teacher Educators and Mentors
To gain recognition for themselves as part of an active and innovative global professional English Language Teaching community

16 Specific Objectives: Teacher Educators and Mentors
To provide high quality English teacher training and regular on-going professional development opportunities for English Teachers in Educación Básica in Mexico through the systematic cascading of their knowledge and skills among their colleagues

17 Specific Objectives: Teacher Educators and Mentors
To encourage English teachers to become active participants in the national and global professional communities To provide English teachers with all the necessary knowledge and tools to encourage their pupils to become active members of the global English speaking community

18 Specific Objectives: Teachers
To achieve greater confidence in their own knowledge of, and competences in, the English language

19 Specific Objectives: Teachers
To deliver high quality, more motivating and meaningful English classes to their pupils

20 Specific Objectives: Pupils
To acquire the knowledge and skills to communicate project aims and outcomes to heads of schools and colleagues

21 Specific Objectives: Pupils
To become autonomous and self-directed in their own future professional development through networking and sharing experience with other teachers

22 “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”
Project English “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”

23 Session 1 Visions of the project Objectives of the project Objectives of Phase One Getting to know each other Session 5 The Learner Centred Classroom Pair and group work Session 9 Classroom management (classroom language) Session 2 Needs analysis Session 6 Starting and finishing a lesson Session 10 (micro teaching) Session 3 Factors to consider when creating practical activities for competence based lessons Session 7 Peer teaching Session 11 Communicative activities for large classes Session 4 Teacher’s Journal and the principles of reflection Session 8 Giving and checking instructions Reflection Session 12+ Reflection for Professional Development Lessons from the CD Rom

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