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By, Lucas, Hanna, and Shreyas

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1 By, Lucas, Hanna, and Shreyas
Pufferfish By, Lucas, Hanna, and Shreyas

2 Prey And Predators For Puffer Fish
Did you know puffer fish are omnivores? Omnivores are animals that eat plants and meat. Puffer fish eat clams, corals, sponges, shellfish, and algae. Sharks, sea snakes, and large fish eat puffer fish. That is what puffer fish eat.

3 Adaptations For A Puffer Fish
There are many adaptations for a puffer fish. They have poison in their body, so animals won’t eat them. When predators come near by, they puff up and spikes come out of their body to scare predators. They have thick and rough skin, so it’s hard for predators to chew or eat them. That is how a puffer fish adapts.

Pufferfish come in many shapes and sizes. There are many pufferfish that have spines in them. They pop out to scare off the predator. Pufferfish can be small as your hand , and they can be big as your arm. They also have different patterns like spots , stripes and many more. Pufferfish come in colors like red , blue , or green. And that’s what pufferfish look like.

5 Ecosystems Puffer fish have an interesting habitat. They hide in coral reefs from predators. They usually live in oceans and big bodies of water. Puffer fish also live in shallow waters. The coral reefs they live in, are colorful. And those are a puffer fish’s ecosystems.

6 Fun Facts Did you know that a puffer fish has a life span from four to eight years? Well, there’s lots more facts about puffer fish! There are more than 120 different types of pufferfish. Pufferfish have only four teeth. Those are some fun facts about pufferfish.

7 GLOSSARY Ecosystem-A type of place where animals have food, water, and shelter. Adaptations-What an animal does something to survive. Predator-The animal that hunts the other animal. Prey- The animal that is being hunted. Poison-It is ether an animal or a type of plant that can get you very sick or you can die.

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