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Test Format 30 multiple choice questions

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1 Test Format 30 multiple choice questions
3 Matching Sections (46, most are from Memory Check) One like Skeleton Memory Check (26) One about the bones of the skull (14) One about the fractures (6) Cranium verses Facial Bones (All 14 bones) 1 Short Answer

2 Unit 4 Review

3 The Game Board 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

4 1 What type of bone is the sternum? BACK Answer: flat

5 2 How many pairs of ribs are in the body? Answer: 12 BACK

6 3 Location 5 BACK Answer: ethmoid bone

7 4 What type of joint is an immovable joint? Answer: synorthroses BACK

8 5 Location 7 BACK Answer: frontal bone

9 BACK 6 This is the term to describe the ends of a long bone.
Answer: epiphyses BACK

10 BACK 7 What bones fuse together to create the hip bone?
Answer: ilium, ischium, and pubis BACK

11 8 What is another name for the shoulder blade? Answer: scapulae BACK

12 BACK 9 How does the upper arm connect to the torso?
Answer: shoulder girdle BACK

13 10 What connects posteriorly with the sacrum at the sacroiliac joint? Answer: ilium BACK

14 11 What is another name for the breastbone? Answer: sternum BACK

15 BACK 12 What is the heaviest, strongest bone in the body?
Answer: femur BACK

16 13 Location 2 Answer: palatine bone BACK

17 14 The center cavity of adult bones are usually filled with this color of marrow. Answer: yellow BACK

18 15 This bone is also known as the collarbone. Answer: clavicle BACK

19 BACK 16 The vertebrae are an example of this type of bone.
Answer: irregular BACK

20 17 What are the very end of the fingers called? Answer: phalanges BACK

21 18 The sternum is a fusion of how many bones? Answer: 3 BACK

22 19 Location 11. Answer: occipital bone BACK

23 BACK 20 Name 4 of the 8 facial bones.
Answer: Maxillae, Palatine, Zygomatic, Lacrimal, Nasal, Vomer, Inferior nasal conchae, Mandible BACK

24 BACK 21 This is another name for a mature bone cell.
Answer: osteocytes

25 22 Blood cells are made in this type of marrow, which during infancy, is found in the center of the shaft of long bones, but later in life, it is found in the spongy bone of flat bones. Answer: red BACK

26 23 Location 3. BACK Answer: Vomer

27 24 This is when a bone breaks incompletely. Answer: Greenstick BACK

28 BACK 25 What would contain a lubricating synovial fluid?
Answer: joint cavities BACK

29 26 What is the arrow is pointing at? Answer: the ribs BACK

30 BACK 27 These are giant bone-destroying cells in bones.
Answer: osteoclasts

31 28 Location Z refers to this group of bones BACK Answer: lower limb

32 29 This is also known as the knee cap. Answer: patella BACK

33 30 What is your shin bone? Answer: tibia BACK

34 BACK 31 The arm is made up of one bone called the __________.
Answer: humerus BACK

35 32 Not counting the sacrum or coccyx bones, how many bones make up the spine? BACK Answer: 24

36 33 Location M Answer: ulna BACK

37 34 Each shoulder girdle attaches to the axial skeleton at what point? Answer: sternoclavicular joint BACK

38 BACK 35 This type of bone cell is in charge of building new bone.
Answer: osteoblast BACK

39 BACK 36 Name 3 of the 6 cranium bones.
Answer: frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, ethmoid, sphenoid BACK

40 BACK 37 Name 2 of the 5 functions of bone.
Answer: storage, protection, hematopoiesis (blood cell formation), movement, support BACK

41 38 A projection from a bone is generically known as a __________________. Answer: process BACK

42 39 As bones grow, they expand from this line at the end of the bone. BACK Answer: Epiphyseal

43 40 What is this bone called? BACK Answer: clavicle

44 BACK 41 This is the outer membrane coating that covers a bone.
Answer: periosteum BACK

45 BACK 42 The main shaft of a long bone has this other name.
Answer: diaphysis BACK

46 BACK 43 This is what forms when cranium bones come together.
Answer: sutures BACK

47 44 The tibia is to the ___________________ as the radius is to the ____________________. Answer: fibula, ulna BACK

48 45 This is when the body changes the shape or composition of a bone based on conditional needs. Answer: bone remodeling BACK

49 BACK 46 The order of spine sections from top to bottom is:
Answer: cervical, thoracic, lumbar (sacrum, coccyx) BACK

50 47 What is another name for joints? Answer: articulations BACK

51 48 When a bone breaks, blood vessels are ruptured. As a result, this blood-filled swelling forms. Answer: hematoma BACK

52 BACK 49 Which of the following is NOT part of the bony thorax?
a. ribs c. pelvis b. sternum d. thoracic vertebra BACK Answer: c. pelvis

53 50 This is a term used to describe inflammatory or degenerative diseases, which usually result by the thickening of synovial membranes. Answer: arthritis BACK

54 51 This describes when the bone is crushed Answer: Compression BACK

55 52 This is a disease in which uric acid accumulates in the blood and eventually is deposited as needle shaped crystals in the soft tissue of joints. Answer: gouty arthritis BACK

56 53 Which of the following is not true about the female pelvic girdle when compared to the male pelvic girdle. a. The female inlet is smaller and less circular b. The female ilia flare more medially c. The female pelvis as a whole is deeper, and the bones are heavier and thicker d. The female ischial spines are shorter and farther apart Answer: d BACK

57 BACK 54 What type of arthritis is inflammatory? a. osteo b. ribo
c. genetic d. rheumatoid Answer: d BACK

58 BACK 55 This describes when a bone breaks into many fragments.
Answer: Comminuted BACK

59 BACK 56 What is located at the very bottom of the spinal column?
Answer: coccyx BACK

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