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Meiosis Genetics DNA Protein Synthesis Gene Technology ????? $100 $200

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Presentation on theme: "Meiosis Genetics DNA Protein Synthesis Gene Technology ????? $100 $200"— Presentation transcript:

1 Meiosis Genetics DNA Protein Synthesis Gene Technology ????? $100 $200
$300 $400 $500

2 Meiosis Genetics DNA Protein Synthesis Gene Technology ????? $100 $200
$300 $400 $500

3 Daily Double DD

4 $100 In the process of meiosis what happens to the number of
chromosomes? $100 It is cut in half If you start with 46 you get 23

5 What cells are made in meiosis? $200 Egg and sperm

6 $300 What is the purpose of crossing over?
It increases genetic variation

7 $400 What is the difference between haploid & diploid?
Diploid - 2 sets of chromosomes Haploid - one set of chromosomes (created in meiosis)

8 $500 A human has 23 chromosomes in its haploid egg and
sperm cells. How many chromosomes are in its diploid body cells? 46

9 A mom & a dad have type A blood.
What blood types could their children have? A or O

10 Red petals (R) are dominant to white petals (r).
You perform a test cross between a red-petaled flower (genotype unknown) and a white-petaled flower. The test cross produces 5 red flowers and 4 white flowers. What is the genotype of the red-petaled flower? Rr

11 Which parent determines the sex of the child? Why?
Male because he has XY chromosomes and a female is XX so she only has a X to give

12 What is the difference between heterozygous & homozygous?
heterozygous - two different letters Aa homozygous - two of the same letters aa or AA

13 What is the genotype and phenotype of the ??? box?
B - Black b - White T - tall t - short What is the genotype and phenotype of the ??? box? BT Bt bT bt BT ??? Bt bT bt Geno - BbTt Pheno - Tall & Black

14 $100 What is caused by a mutagen? change in the DNA structure

15 If the original strand of DNA is ATCG
What is the complementary strand? TAGC

16 What part of DNA carries the code? the nitrogen base

17 Is a mutation helpful, harmful or neutral?
It can be any of them

18 Why does DNA replication need to happen?
So when the cell goes through mitosis each new daughter cell will have the same chromosomes

19 What are the building blocks of proteins?
$100 What are the building blocks of proteins? Amino Acids

20 If the mRNA is AUCG...What is the DNA?

21 What are the amino acids?
If the mRNA is AUGGCA... What are the amino acids? U C A G Phenylaline Leucine Serine Tyrosine Stop Cysteine Tryptophan Proline Histidine Glutamine Arginine Isoleucine Methionine Threonine Asparagine Lysine Valine Alanine Aspartic acid Glutamic acid Glycine Met Ala

22 A gene is a piece of DNA that contains the
instructions to make a single ________. protein

23 Starting with the mRNA in the nucleus describe protein synthesis.
mRNA copies the DNA mRNA leaves the nucleus and goes to a ribosome tRNA lines up with the mRNA and brings in an amino acid when the amino acids are all lined up you created a protein

24 $100 What is gene sequencing? finding the order of
nitrogen bases within a gene

25 Why would one use DNA fingerprinting to
identify a criminal or in a paternity suit? DNA from individuals is unlikely to be the same

26 What is genetic engineering?
Moving the chromosomes of one organism into another organism

27 What is recombinant DNA?
The DNA formed when you combine DNA from two different organisms

28 Why is a base substition less harmful than a
base deletion or insertion? A substitution would change at the most one amino acid. A deletion/insertion would change every amino acid after the mutation

29 $100 The Teddies What is the name of the RHS dance team?

30 What is the oldest evidence that evolution
scientists use to support evolution? fossils

31 What is microevolution?
A change within a species over time

32 According to macroevolution, what do the
similarities in these bone structures point to? Whale Bat Human Cat common ancestory

33 The whale’s pelvis shows evidence that it
may have walked on land. The whale no longer uses the pelvis for walking. The whale pelvis is considered to be a ___. Vestigial Structure

34 What is the function of the endocrine system?
Final What is the function of the endocrine system? Final Jeopardy

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