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Unit 5: From Isolation to World War

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1 Unit 5: From Isolation to World War
AH.HI.F23 Notes

2 Content Statement 23 Use of atomic weapons changed the nature of war, altered the balance of power and began the nuclear age.

3 V-E Day Adolf Hitler died in April of 1945 leading to the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany Benito Mussolini was captured and killed in April of 1945 as well This allowed the U.S. to focus all military actions in the Pacific against Japan





8 Manhattan Project The name given to the development atomic weapons in the United States with the support of Great Britain and Canada Began in 1939 and employed over 130,000 people Total operation cost over $2 billion mostly on the building of factories to produce nuclear materials First successful test was done in July of 1945 in New Mexico







15 Battles in the Pacific Some of the bloodiest battles of WWII occurred in the Pacific campaign Most fighting occurred on islands in extremely hot weather The U.S. military was struggling to end the Pacific war quickly


17 Hiroshima City of industrial and military significance during WWII
In August of 1945, President Harry Truman approved the use of nuclear force on Japan Little Boy was the name of the bomb used on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 The plane known as the Enola Gay was used to drop the bomb Effects of the nuclear weapon killed an estimated 90, ,000 people in Hiroshima Large numbers died of burns and radiation sickness









26 Nagasaki One of the largest seaports in Japan during WWII
Fat Man was the name of the bomb used three days following the bombing of Hiroshima Approximately 60,000-80,000 people were killed. Most of the deaths in both bombings were civilians



29 Japanese Surrender and Occupation
Six days after the nuclear bombings the Japanese surrendered Japan would be occupied by Allied Powers marking the first time in world history an island was occupied by a foreign power A democracy would be established in Japan

30 U.S. as a Superpower Immediately following WWII, the US was the only country possessing nuclear weapons This made the US a superpower following WWII The threat of using these weapons was seen as a deterrent of imperialistic ambitions of the Soviet Union

31 Start of Cold War The successful testing of a nuclear weapon in by the Soviet Union began a period known as the Cold War The Soviet Union became a world superpower alongside the United States This began an extreme arms race between the U.S. and the Soviet Union

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