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Fracture in the Lower End of Humerus

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1 Fracture in the Lower End of Humerus
Jose S. Santiago

2 Fracture, lower end of humerus
Fracture- break in the continuity of the bone Fracture in the lower end of humerus occurs when there is a break anywhere in the distal region of the humerus.

3 Fracture, lower end of humerus
Causes of distal humeral fracture: 1. Direct blow to the humerus 2. Indirect fracture – the patient falls with the arm outstretched Diagnosis is confirmed by X-ray images

4 Fracture, lower end of humerus
Non-surgical treatment( Stable fracture): 1. Analgesics 2. Anti-inflammatory drugs 3. Use of cast or splint to hold the elbow in place The elbow becomes very stiff and requires physiotherapy after removal of the cast.

5 Fracture, lower end of humerus
Indications for surgery: 1. Displaced fracture 2. Open fracture

6 Fracture, lower end of humerus
A 25 year-old man who had a fracture of the lower end of the humerus comes to the physical therapy department after one month with stiffness in his elbow and limited range of motion

7 P: Patient T: Therapist
P: Good ______. T: Good ______. What is _________? P: I got a fracture in my __________ one month ago. I was given a ____ for that. Now, I removed the _____ but I feel some stiffness in my elbow joint. I _____ the orthopedic doctor and he _______ me physical therapy.

8 P: Patient T: Therapist
T: I ____ your chart. Your bones are ______. No problem. We can improve your range by ______. P: Oh. That’s ____ to hear. T: Please ____ to the therapy room. We will start the treatment today. P: Okay. Where can I _____ my bag? T: You can bring it to the therapy room.

9 P: Patient T: Therapist
T: Please ______. I will check your range of motion in the ______. The shoulder joint range is _____. There is mild __________ in your elbow joint. You need some _______ for the elbow joint alone. P: Okay. Do I need to _____ here for doing those exercises?

10 P: Patient T: Therapist
T: Yes. I will ____ you today, You can do those exercises after ____ here and some exercises you can do at home. At first, you will ________ in this machine. In this instrument, the range of _____ and ____ is fixed. You can just sit in the chair and do the movement. It helps to ______ your range of motion in the _____ and _____ joints.

11 P: Patient T: Therapist
P: Oh, I see. T: After finishing the _______, I will _____ you some exercises. P: Okay. T: Yes it over. Did you _____ any pain? P: Yes I had a little pain when my elbow was ______.

12 P: Patient T: Therapist
T: You will get the ______ soon. Don’t worry about it. I will ____ you a band now. I will tie one end in the wall. You have to ____ the other end with your hand and pull it. There should be ________ in your elbow. P: Yes, am I doing it ________?

13 P: Patient T: Therapist
T: Yes. Do it for ______. When you are ____, you can go home. You can come here again ______ at ______. P: Yes, I will ______ here. Thank you so much for your ______. T: You are welcome. See you ______. Bye.

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