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Agenda 1/6/11 Stamp Europe WWI Map Causes of WWI Study Guide

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1 Agenda 1/6/11 Stamp Europe WWI Map Causes of WWI Study Guide
Video: Causes of WWI Additional questions: 6.1 pages Go over answers to study guide Outline Assignment for 6.1 – p Due Friday for a stamp

2 Causes of World War One World War I has the nickname The Great War.
WWI introduced the World to total war, daylight savings time and universal suffrage. Europe was dominated by France, Germany, Austria-Hungary& Russia. Britain was also a major player due to its large navy.

3 The Alliance System Russia and France’s “Dual Entente” agreement did what? Promised to fight side by side if attacked by Germany The “Triple Alliance” included which countries? Germany, Italy & Austria-Hungary What was Britain’s policy of ‘splendid isolationism”? Tried to stay out of European affairs After a series of events regarding Morocco, Italy left the Triple Alliance, leaving which country as Germany’s only ally? Austria-Hungary

4 Imperialism The crisis in Morocco caused Germany & England to do what?
Race to build up their navies (build more ships) From your book: What was the “entente cordiale”? A “friendly understanding” between France, Russia and Great Britain

5 Militarism The Darwinism idea that in the future “strong nations would flourish and weak nations would be crushed” was the idea of Social Darwinism (p.266) As a result of this idea, an army became necessary for most nations. Britain’s need for a large navy resulted in the “Two Power Standard”- explain this idea. The British navy should be as large as any two navies combined What resulted with Britain’s introduction of a new ship in 1906? An arms race & naval build up between Britain & Germany By million men could be called into war if needed.

6 The Schlieffen Plan Define mobilization: Readying an army for war
Germany had the best Railroad system in Europe. In the event of a war, Russia would probably back France. The Schlieffen mobilization Plan had several major flaws: Mobilization = War The plan was too inflexible Risked war with Britain A war with Russia = a war with France

7 Nationalism Austria-Hungary was made up of many nationalities. In fact, less than 50 % of the 50 million in the country were Austrian or Hungarian. The Balkans were known as the powder keg of Europe. After driving Turkey out of Europe, Serbia doubled in size.

8 July Crisis The Archduke and his wife were killed by a Serbian terrorist. The assassination gave Austria an excuse to declare war on Serbia Austria needed which country as an ally? Germany Which country came to Serbia’s aid in the war? Russia France was given the opportunity to declare its neutrality, but refused. After Germany invaded Belgium, Britain declared war on Germany.

9 Book questions – p. 371 List the members of the Allies in 1913.
France, Russia & Great Britain List the members of the Central Powers. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria Explain Italy’s place in the war. Joined the Allies in 1915

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