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Presentation on theme: "CREATE - ASSESSMENT LEVEL GRADE CREATE: Your final Game design."— Presentation transcript:

EXCELLENCE 21-25 Produces detailed print screens and in depth annotation explaining the process of making, coding and different ideas. Shows a large variety of skills from tutorials ( Scoring, Collecting, Movement, multiple players, paths etc). Game is engaging, unique, challenging and exciting. Game has a good design and visual look. A lot of consideration has been given to the background which may also include other characters and movement. Background is clearly relevant to the game. A clear purpose to the game. Use a wide variety of different coding techniques to produce their game. Game works fully without any issues. Student is very independent in producing their game. SECURE 16-20 Produces some print screens and annotation of progress, coding and ideas. Produces a game which shows at least three different skills learnt in the tutorials( Scoring, Collecting, Movement, multiple players, paths etc) Game is engaging, unique, challenging and exciting game. Good design and visual look. Student has produced a good background which is relevant to the game. Use a variety of different coding techniques. Student is independent but may have required a small amount of technical support. INTERMEDIATE 11-15 Produces a few print screens with annotation of progress, coding and ideas Produces a game which shows at least two of the skills learnt in the tutorials ( Scoring, Collecting, Movement, multiple players, paths etc) Game may not be unique, but is engaging and exciting. Consideration has been given to the background. Students have attempted to produce an interesting background which is relevant to the game. Has a purpose to the game. Uses a few different coding techniques. Student shows some independence, but lacks skills from some of the more advanced tutorials to progress independently. FOUNDATION 6-10 Produces limited print screens with little to no annotation of progress, coding and ideas. Produces a game which shows at least two of the skills learnt in the tutorials ( Scoring, Collecting, Movement, multiple players, paths etc). Game isn’t very engaging, unique, challenging or exciting. Basic design with some consideration of background (Pupils may have attempted to created mountains as scenery). Uses simple coding techniques in their game. Student is not very independent and requires help often in the lesson. 0-5 Shows no print screens or annotation of progress, coding and ideas Produces a game which shows at least one of the skills learnt in the tutorials (Movement) Game isn’t engaging, unique, challenging or exciting Basic design with no consideration of background details Doesn’t have a clear purpose to the game Uses very little coding apart from the code to get a character to move. Student is not focused on task, requires a lot of help and assistance in order to produce even the most basic of games.

2 KODU Self Assessment: I think I should score: /25 making me a learner.
The reason I think this is: My PowerPoint presentation includes the following evidence: 1 Slide Number: 2 Slide Number: 3 Slide Number: 4 Slide Number:

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