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English and Maths 2016-2017.

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Presentation on theme: "English and Maths 2016-2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 English and Maths

2 Maths Objective: To improve achievement in maths across all key stages (attainment and progress)

3 Success Criteria Greater proportions of pupils reach ARE in maths in every class and at the end of each key stage Greater proportions of pupils make sufficient progress in maths in every class and at end of key stage 2 Pupil confidence is increased in problem solving

4 ‘Thinking Blocks’ approach for problem solving
Key Levers and Actions Problem solving ‘Thinking Blocks’ approach for problem solving Parental Information Evening (15th March 2017) Regular problem solving opportunities in maths lessons Encourage jottings when pupils are problem solving

5 Key Levers and Actions Fluency
Each class to have a regular ‘Quick Maths’ session to focus on mental strategies or mathematical fluency

6 English Objective: To improve achievement in writing across all key stages (attainment and progress)

7 Success Criteria Greater proportions of pupils reach ARE in writing in every class and at the end of each key stage Greater proportions of pupils make sufficient progress in writing in every class and at end of key stage 2 Talk for Writing approach enables pupils to become more confident writers 

8 ‘Talk for Writing’ approach
Key Levers and Actions Writing ‘Talk for Writing’ approach Parental Information Evening (Summer Term) Regular opportunities to use the three stages of ‘Talk for Writing’ in English lessons Encourage pupils to immerse themselves more in a given text and use this as a base for their writing

9 Handwriting Spelling and Phonics
Key Levers and Actions Handwriting Spelling and Phonics Adapt and implement the 2016/2017 curriculum expectations (from HfL) for handwriting, spelling, phonics, grammar and punctuation, across the school

10 OVERALL Growth Mindset introduced to whole school and all pupils and staff refer to and use it as our new focus in all areas of school ‘Give it a go Friday!’ where pupils choose the level of challenge in their independent task in maths and where pupils have the opportunity to write creatively (extended writing) in English Whole school moderations to continue to ensure that assessments are accurate and robust

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