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Cranbrook Primary School: School Improvement Plan

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1 Cranbrook Primary School: School Improvement Plan
Priorities (in no particular order) Priority 1 Enhance the quality of middle leadership through strong leadership and effective teamwork, ensuring subject action plans drive school improvement and focus on raising attainment. Priority 2 To ensure that teachers plan and teach work that is set at the right level for all pupils (including SEN and the most-able), with a particular focus on mathematics. Priority 3 To ensure that all groups vulnerable to underachievement, including pupil premium children, make accelerated levels of progress. Priority 4 To promote and increase engagement of children and parents across the school. Priority 5 To improve attendance to become in line with, or greater than, national average. Priority 6 To ensure that the proportion of pupils achieving age-related expectations in each year group is at least as high as national expectations.

2 Priority 1 Enhance the quality of middle leadership through strong leadership and effective teamwork, ensuring subject action plans drive school improvement and focus on raising attainment. Introduce a curriculum leader role Subject leadership training and partnerships New planning documents linked to National Curriculum objectives Raising the profile of all subjects (clubs, subject specific weeks)

3 Priority 2 To ensure that teachers plan and teach work that is set at the right level for all pupils (including SEN and the most-able), with a particular focus on mathematics. Planning support (resources, school to school planning sessions, coaching partners) Training on supporting SEN Training on mastery and challenge in the curriculum (October 2016) Problem solving sessions (links with Cranbrook school) Cross-school/ in-school observations of others

4 Priority 3 To ensure that all groups vulnerable to underachievement make accelerated levels of progress. Speech and language focus in all year group Training for teaching assistants Introduction of on-site forest school SLT monitoring of lessons and books, with a focus on vulnerable groups Termly pupil progress meetings

5 Priority 4 To promote and increase engagement of children and parents across the school. Parent workshops- phonics, mathematics, reading Pupil voice: regular student council meetings, pupil suggestions/ worries box, pupil conferencing Growth mindset- the language of challenge Home learning review (self chosen challenge, explanation of task)

6 Priority 5 To improve attendance to become in line with, or greater than, national average. Attendance letters to go out with reports FLO- working closely with KCC to support families with poor attendance Clearer process of challenging poor/ unexplained attendance Attendance awards and termly ‘Perfect attendance’ prize draw ‘First to 5’ class attendance competition

7 Priority 6 To ensure that the proportion of pupils achieving age-related expectations in each year group is at least as high as national expectations. Early identification of children requiring additional support. Effective, regular interventions. Parent workshops 1:1 reading and English skills sessions to replace traditional guiding reading techniques Weekly taught comprehension sessions

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