AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. We are learning to use prefixes,

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Presentation on theme: "AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. We are learning to use prefixes,"— Presentation transcript:

1 AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. We are learning to use prefixes, suffixes, roots to understand the meaning of a word. We are looking for how the beginning, ending, base or root of a word (prefix)(suffix)(root) can help us know what a word means.

2 AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. PREFIXES are those word parts that COME BEFORE the ROOT WORD. Prefixes often change the intent or meaning of the root word. a-, an- [not,without] amoral, atypical, atom, apathy acro- [high] acrobat, acropolis, acrophobia bi- [two, both, double, twice] bicycle, biweekly, bi-lateral, binoculars, bipedal circum-, circ- [around] circumference, circum-stance, circumnavigate

3 dia- [through, between] diameter, diagonal, diagram, dialogue
AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. PREFIXES are those word parts that COME BEFORE the ROOT WORD. Prefixes often change the intent or meaning of the root word. dia- [through, between] diameter, diagonal, diagram, dialogue extra- [beyond] extraordinary, extracurricular hemi-, semi-, demi-[half] hemisphere, semicircle, demitasse inter- [between] intercollegiate, intervene, inter-view, interrupt peri- [around] perimeter, period, periscope, pericardium, per(i)ambulate

4 post- [after] postgame, postpone, postscript, posterity
AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. PREFIXES are those word parts that COME BEFORE the ROOT WORD. Prefixes often change the intent or meaning of the root word. post- [after] postgame, postpone, postscript, posterity pre-[before] pregame, predict, premonition, preview pro- [in favor of] project, progress, promote, prohibit (prohibition) sub- [below] submerge, submarine, suburb, substitute super- [above, over, more] Superman, supervise, supreme, supernatural

5 AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. SUFFIXES are those word parts that COME AT THE END of the WORD. Sometimes a suffix will tell you what part of speech a word is. ie, many adverbs end in –ly. Study suffixes carefully! -able, -ible [able, can do] edible, agreeable, visible -age [act of, collection of] salvage, storage, forage -al [relating to] industrial, manual, natural, gradual -ant [performing, agent] assistant, servant

6 -cide [kill] homicide, pesticide, genocide
AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. SUFFIXES are those word parts that COME AT THE END of the WORD. Sometimes a suffix will tell you what part of speech a word is. ie, many adverbs end in –ly. Study suffixes carefully! -ar, -er, -or [one who, that which] doctor, baker, miller, teacher, racer, amplifier -ary, -ery, -ory [relating to, quality, place where] dictionary, dietary, bakery, dormitory, bravery -cian [having a skill or art] musician, beautician, magician, physician -cide [kill] homicide, pesticide, genocide -ic [nature of, like] metallic, heroic, poetic, acidic

7 -less [without] artless, fearless, hopeless, helpless
AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. SUFFIXES are those word parts that COME AT THE END of the WORD. Sometimes a suffix will tell you what part of speech a word is. ie, many adverbs end in –ly. Study suffixes carefully! -ion, -sion, -tion [act of, state of] action, injection, infection, tension, extension -less [without] artless, fearless, hopeless, helpless -ly [like, manner of] carelessly, hopelessly, truly -ology [study of] biology, anthropology, theology, ornithology, neurology, geology -ward [direction] forward, backward, westward

8 aster, astro [Gk.-star] astronomy, asteroid, astrology
AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. ROOTS are the BASE PART of a word. Knowing the root of a word—especially a difficult word—can help you understand and remember it much better. Your classwork, SATs, and ACTs will benefit if you learn these roots. aster, astro [Gk.-star] astronomy, asteroid, astrology biblio [Gk.-book] bibliophile, bibliography, Bible bio [Gk.-life] biology, biome, biopsy, microbe chron [Gk.-time] chronological, chronicle, synchronize, chronometer

9 cycl [Gk.-circle, wheel] recycle, bicycle,
AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. ROOTS are the BASE PART of a word. Knowing the root of a word—especially a difficult word—can help you understand and remember it much better. Your classwork, SATs, and ACTs will benefit if you learn these roots. cycl [Gk.-circle, wheel] recycle, bicycle, gen [Gk.-birth, race, kind] Genesis, genetics, genocide, genealogy, antigen gram, graph [Gk.-write, draw] biography, telegram, telegraph, phonograph,geograph hydro [Gk.-water] dehydrate, hydrology metr [Gk.-measure] metric, meter, geometry, hydrometer, speedometer, altimeter

10 phon [Gk-sound] phonics, telephone, microphone, phonograph
AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. ROOTS are the BASE PART of a word. Knowing the root of a word—especially a difficult word—can help you understand and remember it much better. Your classwork, SATs, and ACTs will benefit if you learn these roots. phon [Gk-sound] phonics, telephone, microphone, phonograph photo [Gk-light] photograph, photocopy, telephoto scope [Gk-to see, watch] telescope, microscope tele [Gk-far away] telegraph, television, telephone dem [Gk-people] democracy, democratic

11 act [La-to do] astronomy, asteroid, astrology
AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. ROOTS are the BASE PART of a word. Knowing the root of a word—especially a difficult word—can help you understand and remember it much better. Your classwork, SATs, and ACTs will benefit if you learn these roots. act [La-to do] astronomy, asteroid, astrology aud, audi [La-to hear] auditory, audition, auditorium, audio, audience, audible dic, dict [La-to speak] dictate, benediction duc [La-to lead, pull] induce, reduce, produce, conduct, frag, fract [La-break] fragment, fraction, infraction, refract

12 ped, pod [La-foot] pedal, biped, quadruped, tripod
AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. ROOTS are the BASE PART of a word. Knowing the root of a word—especially a difficult word—can help you understand and remember it much better. Your classwork, SATs, and ACTs will benefit if you learn these roots. ped, pod [La-foot] pedal, biped, quadruped, tripod port [La-to carry] portable, transport, portage rupt [La-to break] rupture, interrupt, disrupt scrib, script [La-to write] scribble, transcribe, describe, prescription sect [La-to cut] bisect, dissect, intersect, section

13 vis [La-to look or see] vision, invisible, revision
AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. ROOTS are the BASE PART of a word. Knowing the root of a word—especially a difficult word—can help you understand and remember it much better. Your classwork, SATs, and ACTs will benefit if you learn these roots. vis [La-to look or see] vision, invisible, revision volv [La-to roll, turn] revolve, involve, evolve tract[La-to draw, drag, pull] contraction, extract, distract, tractor, traction vert [La-to change] verify, very, veritable, convert vict, vinc [La-to conquer], victorious, victim, invincible, convince

14 VIS IBLE IN IN VIS IBLE Word Math--- vis [La-to look or see]
AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. Word Math--- vis [La-to look or see] il,ir,in,im [not] able, ible [capable or worthy of] VIS IBLE IN IN VIS IBLE

15 HYPO DERM IC Word Math--- derm [skin] hypo [under]
AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. Word Math--- derm [skin] hypo [under] ic [nature of, like] HYPO DERM IC

16 Use your WRITE SOURCE 2000: PREFIXES—pages 329-330 SUFFIXES—page 331
AV 6-6 Apply the knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots and their various inflections to analyze the meanings of words. Use your WRITE SOURCE 2000: PREFIXES—pages SUFFIXES—page 331 ROOTS—pages

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