What is Computer Science?

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Presentation on theme: "What is Computer Science?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Computer Science?
Karen Aguar University of Georgia – Computer Science

2 I googled “Computer Science”
What does this tell you about what computer science is? Do these pictures really present what CS is? Are we sitting around doing binary all day… working with microchips under magnifying glasses and fixing peoples internet and phone screens… (what most people think I do) What does a computer scientist do and what does a computer scientist look like? Studies show that women are interested in how they can use computers to impact other fields Solely oriented towards technology instead of towards people, interaction, & end-goals Google.com

3 Middle School Students’ Depiction of a “Computer User”
2006 study Additionally, a recent survey of undergraduates described a computer scientist as someone liked science ction and playing video games [33, 32]. These depictions of a computer scientists as males with masculine-dominated interests may lead women to question whether they belong in Computer Science [34] and whether they have the skills required to even consider the eld. Where do these stereotypes come from? [1]

4 Media Stereotypes Big Bang Theory, Silicon Valley, more… [2, 3]

5 Women’s Involvement With these stereotypes, no surprise that there is a lack of women in the field [4]

6 Why involve women in CS? Workforce Diversity = better products
Better innovation & less gender-biased products with a diverse field [5,6]

7 Computer Science is Everywhere

8 Computer Science is Everywhere
What Else? [7]

9 Can you think of examples?
Music Medicine Video Games Geography Psychology Math Robotics Education Give examples for each here… [7]

10 CS in Fitness! Apple watch Demo. Slide in progress.

11 Face Recognition Face Recognition Demo. Slide in progress.

12 How Can CS Influence your Field?
Thank you!

13 References EM Mercier, B Barron, and KM O'Connor. Images of self and others as computer users: The role of gender and experience. Journal of computer assisted learning , 22(5):335{348, 2006. silicon-valley-and-big-bang-theory stopped-coding, 2014. Stuart Zweben and Betsy Bizot taulbee survey. COMPUTING , 27(5), 2015. [ even.html]

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