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PREFIXES hypo- under, below, less.

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Presentation on theme: "PREFIXES hypo- under, below, less."— Presentation transcript:

1 PREFIXES hypo- under, below, less

2 hypoallergenic (adj) less likely to cause allergies

3 hypocrisy (n) the practice of being less than genuine; pretending to be someone you are not

4 hypodermic (adj) under the skin

5 hypogeal (adj) located below the surface of the ground

6 hypoglossal (adj) under the tongue

7 hypoglycemia (n) an abnormally low level of sugar in the blood; a blood sugar level below what is needed for healthy blood

8 hypotension (n) having blood pressure below what is normal

9 hypothermia (n) a temperature below the normal body temperature; low body heat

10 hypothesis (n) an idea that is under investigation

11 hypothyroidism (n) a disorder caused by a thyroid gland that is slower and less productive than normal

12 The End!!! Take your grammar folders home nightly to study for your test on Friday!

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