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Test Taking Strategies

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1 Test Taking Strategies

2 DISARM TESTS Tests measure how you did on the test – not what kind of person you are!

3 Review each subject at least once a week
BEFORE THE TEST Review each subject at least once a week Create flash cards or concept maps for each subject

4 Create study checklists
Skills to master Required reading Vocabulary Major ideas Specific problems

5 Test prep plan Date of each test
Type of items – multiple choice, essay Dates/times you intend to study for each test Specific strategies

6 Schedule specific times in your agenda/calendar for reviews
Look at the study check list you made Assess what you learned and what you still want to learn

7 Create mind map summary sheets:
1. Create a map totally from memory 2. Now go to your notes/reading 3. Fill in the rest of the map 4. Go from memory again 5. Go back to notes to fill in material you left out

8 Create flash cards Put questions on one side – Answers on the other side Carry them with you Review when you have a moment Include facts, formulas, definitions, dates, sample problems

9 Look for dedicated students
Study Groups Look for dedicated students People who share your goals, pay attention, participate in class, actively take notes Limit groups to 4 people

10 Assign roles: Leader, recorder
Leader should keep the group focused Recorder should write possible test questions, answers, and main points that are discussed

11 Study Groups Test review groups: Make up test questions
Help each other discover sources of errors

12 Ask the teacher if you can use scratch paper on the test
Prepare yourself Ask the teacher if you can use scratch paper on the test Use this to jot down memory aids, formulas, equations, definitions, etc.

13 Pay attention to verbal instructions
Scan the whole test immediately Evaluate the importance of each section How many points is each part worth

14 Read the directions slowly then reread them
Read the directions slowly then reread them. If directions are confusing, ask for clarification Let go of test anxiety

15 Multiple-choice Answer each question in your head first before you look at possible answers Read all possible answers

16 True/False Read the entire question. If any part is false, the entire statement is false Look for qualifiers – All, most, sometimes, rarely. . Always or never are generally false

17 Computer graded tests Make sure that the answer you mark corresponds to the question you are answering Check sections Watch for stray marks Erase carefully

18 Open-Book tests Carefully organize your notes, readings & materials Write down any formulas on a separate sheet of paper Use sticky notes to mark important pages

19 Short answer/Fill-in-the -blank
Concentrate on key words and facts Be brief but accurate

20 Matching Read through each column; see if they are equal If not equal, see what item can be matched with 2 or more items

21 Look for items with similar wording & make note of their differences
Match words grammatically – verbs with verbs Look for logically completed phrases

22 Essay questions What is the question asking? Underline “command” words, circle key words Make a quick outline

23 Get to the point then expand your answer with supporting ideas and facts
Write legibly Write on one side of the paper only

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