Mrs. Schwartz’s Weekly News

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1 Mrs. Schwartz’s Weekly News
Week of November 14, 2016 Upcoming Dates: Nov. 23: No school Nov. 24: No school Nov. 25: No school Nov. 30: 1 hour delay Dec. 5: 70’s Day! Dec. 6: Christmas Show at 1:30 p.m. Dec. 15: 1 hour delay Dec. 22-Jan.3: Christmas Break A Peek At Our Week: This newsletter is for the next 2 weeks due to our short Thanksgiving week! Our feast is Tuesday, and any item to share works for us! Also, we are good on clothing items for the Clothing Study, unless your child is really excited about a certain item. Thank you for the borrowed clothes they are awesome! So, we had so much fun on our 50’s day that I decided we are going to celebrate the 70th day of school 70’s style. If your child wishes they can dress up 70’s style on Dec. 5th. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving! I know I am thankful for all 18 of these amazingly sweet, fun, adorable, and happy kids!!! Reminders: -Please bring a small snack to school everyday! -Feast item to share by Nov. 22nd & no snack Snapshots of Pre-K Star of the Week: Margaret Mrs. Schwartz Pre-Kindergarten, All Day Find Us on Instagram: ext mrs._schwartz_alldayprek

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