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King Ecgbert School Year 9 Options 2017.

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1 King Ecgbert School Year 9 Options 2017

2 Recent GCSE reforms New GCSEs – greater content and more demanding.
GCSE grades have changed (9 to 1). No modules – all exams at end of Y11. Reduced controlled assessment. Marks specifically for spelling, punctuation and grammar in some subjects. The continued promotion of the English Baccalaureate. In future, only qualifications which are high quality, rigorous and provide access to a range of study and employment opportunities, will be recognised in School and College Performance Tables for 14- to 16-year-olds. Courses taught from September and reported in the Performance Tables for 2014 will include full course GCSEs and a selection of vocational courses. Many vocational courses now carry no GCSE equivalence and the government is currently reviewing all vocational subjects and finalising a list for March 2012 to include any newly accredited qualifications In future it is proposed that a maximum of 2 vocational courses will count in school league tables (but only counted as 1 GCSE even if a multiple qualification) Should any courses need amendment we will contact and work with parents, carers and students as soon as we know.

3 New GCSE Grades 9/8      A* and above 7          A 6          B 5          B/C 4          C 3          D 2          E 1          F/G


5 English Baccalaureate
English GCSE Maths GCSE Two Science GCSEs (includes Computing) Humanity GCSE (Geography or History) Modern Foreign Language GCSE (French, German, Spanish) Broad and balanced academic curriculum

6 Core Courses in Y10 and Y11 Core subjects English English Literature
Maths Science (PSHCE+RE) PE

7 Science Separate Sciences
GCSE Biology, GCSE Chemistry, GCSE Physics 3 GCSEs (7.5 periods) Combined Science 2 GCSEs (5 periods) All students choose 1 of the above courses. The Science staff will give advice.

8 Promotes students’ behaviour and safety and their spiritual, moral and cultural development. (1 period) Citizenship RE Sex and Relationships Education Health Staying safe Post 16

9 Option Forms The school will use assessment data to guide all students. We will direct many students to study the English Baccalaureate subjects. However, for some students more flexibility and a greater number of choices in their options is desirable (can choose to study all the EBacc subjects). Some students will need a more personalised curriculum and we will discuss this with parents. Russell Group Informed Choices (on website).





14 English 4 4 English Maths 4 4 Maths Sep. Sciences 7. 5 5 Comb
English 4 4 English Maths 4 4 Maths Sep. Sciences Comb. Science 1 1 PE 1 1 PE Languages Languages Humanity Humanity Option Option Option2 Total 25 25

15 English 4 4 English Maths 4 4 Maths Sep. Sciences 7. 5 5 Comb
English 4 4 English Maths 4 4 Maths Sep. Sciences Comb. Science 1 1 PE 1 1 PE Humanity Humanity Option Option 1 Option Option Option 3 Total 25 25

16 Choices in Y10 and Y11 GCSE: all these count as ‘1 option’
Art Geography Business Studies German Computer Science History Design Engineering Media Studies Drama Music Fashion & Textiles PE Food Prep, & Nutrition Spanish French

17 Choices in Y10 and Y11 Other courses - these lead to GCSE equivalent qualifications: BTEC Health & Social Care (1 or 2 options) Designing, Engineering and Constructing a Sustainable Built Environment (DEC) (1 option) IT Technical award (1 option) BTEC Business (1 option) BTEC Sport (1 option)

18 BTEC Qualifications The school is offering three Level 2 BTEC courses (1 or 2 GCSEs A*-C) Business (1 option) Health and Social Care (1 or 2 options) Sport (1 option) Students study theory (like GCSEs) Limited exams (25%) Different

19 ICT There are 2 different ICT courses IT Technical Award
Computer Science GCSE (on track for a grade 6 or above in maths)

20 Technology Design Engineering GCSE Fashion & Textiles GCSE
Food Preparation & Nutrition GCSE Designing, Engineering & Constructing a Sustainable Built Environment (DEC)

21 Designing, Engineering and Constructing a Sustainable Built Environment.
21st Century Careers Graded A* - C HE/FE Approved Pathway State of the Art Equipment Industry Sponsorship Professional Software Modelling

22 Off-site Courses Off-site courses from the Vocational Skills Programme
Examples: Hospitality & Catering, Motor Vehicle Maintenance, Engineering, Construction

23 Helping Students Make the Best Choices
Subjects give information in Y9 lessons. Short ‘assemblies’. Taster sessions for Business, Media Studies and Health and Social Care.

24 Helping Students Make the Best Choices
Sources of information and advice Options booklet Subject teachers Connexions (careers service) Parents Personal interview with SLT U-Explore (Library)

25 Login using the login you created
Select the student learning interface.

26 Use the search tools to find out which careers might appeal to you

27 Listen to people talk about their job
Select a job to find out more

28 Scroll down to find out more about the role and the qualifications you need Post 16 and Post 18

29 Points to Note Every combination may not be possible.
Subjects only run if there are enough takers, therefore it is necessary to express preferences and give alternatives (reserve choices).

30 Timetable 16 February Options presentation for parents. Option booklet issued. 9 March Parents’ evening March Interview with SLT (Option Form) 24 March Option Form deadline* *Forms returned after this date risk not getting on oversubscribed courses.

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