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Missouri, circa 1874.

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Presentation on theme: "Missouri, circa 1874."— Presentation transcript:

1 Missouri, circa 1874

2 Marie Stopes, British birth control advocate

3 The Victorian Coalition
The Women’s Christian Temperance Union Anti-pornography and social purity advocates Religious leaders The American Medical Association Progressives Almost everybody else The WCTU White Ribbon Campaign

4 The “Comstock” Act of 1873 “Act of the Suppression of Trade In, and Circulation of, Obscene Literature and Articles of Immoral Use” Prohibits sending of obscene literature through the mails Defines birth control information as obscene Comstock appointed assistant postmaster to enforce the law Anthony Comstock

5 Victoria Woodhull Stockbroker
Advocate of women’s suffrage and “free love” First person to publish Marx/Engels’ “Communist Manifesto” in the United States Ran for President of the United States, 1872 Henry Ward Beecher


7 Right: Dr. Turner and graduate students at the University of Wisconsin; below: Meredith college graduates, 1903; below right: two new Ph.D.’s from the University of Chicago

8 Dr. Edward Clark “Without denying the self-evident proposition, that whatever a women can do, she has a right to do, the question arises, what can she do?”

9 The 19th century body as closed system . . .

10 How is your health? Asked by Marion Talbot of 705 U. Chicago women
78 percent said good health 17 percent said bad health 5 percent said fair health Marion Talbot, early advocate for women in education

11 The Pragmatists Encouraged experimentation and measurement rather than reliance on ideologies Rejected both Social Darwinism and Marxism People need to learn how to change their minds –John Dewey John Dewey


13 Pragmatism is a “future-oriented instrumentalism that tries to deploy thought as a weapon to enable more effective action.” – Cornell West Below: DuBois’ Philadelphia Negro and Alain Locke’s The New Negro

14 Lewis Terman on women’s IQ, 1917
“There is no evidence of any wider range of intelligence among boys, such as has been commonly supposed to exist “The difference, if any, seems to be in the opposite direction.”

15 Jane Addams and Mary Rozet Smith

16 The invention of homosexuality
Foucault: The concept of homosexuality invented by medical profession Became a thing people were rather than something they did

17 For much of nineteenth century homosexuality is tolerated, but . . .
Oscar Wilde tried for homosexuality in 1895

18 Right: San Francisco’s vice district; below: Spider Kelly’s dance hall

19 Steeplechase Park, New York

20 Havelock Ellis, Studies in the Psychology of Sex, 1907
Freud, Lectures on Psychoanalysis, 1909

21 Max Eastman and Mabel Dodge

22 The Armory Show, 1913 Duchamp, Nude Descending a Staircase

23 “Wives, as earners through domestic service, are entitled to the wages of cooks, housemaids, nursemaids, seamstresses, or housekeepers.” – Charlotte Perkins Gilman

24 Margaret Sanger Early advocate of birth control in the United States

25 Emma Goldman

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