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Clothes are made from different materials

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1 Clothes are made from different materials
Activity on clothes for Infants / Juniors Resources A selection of gloves, a feely bag, a pipette and some water. Task 1: Using a feely bag, discuss and describe the gloves within from touch alone. Choose one and put it on. What does your glove feel like? What does it look like? What colour is it? Count the fingers. Why does a glove have five fingers? Some questions teachers could ask. I’m washing the dishes. Which glove will I wear? Why? I’m going to play football. Which glove will I wear? Why? I’m working in the garden. Which glove will I wear? It’s a very cold day. Which gloves will I wear? When taking hot plates from the oven. Which glove would one wear?

2 Clothes are made from different materials
Task 2: In how many ways can you sort the gloves? Task 3: Use the pipette and water. Predict which gloves are waterproof and investigate. Language: woolly, warm, waterproof, rubber, rough, smooth etc.

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