Ambassador Training The session will be from 2 - 2:30PM EST.

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Presentation on theme: "Ambassador Training The session will be from 2 - 2:30PM EST."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ambassador Training The session will be from 2 - 2:30PM EST.
The Q&A portion will continue after the training from 2:30 – 3PM EST. If dialing in by phone: Call in #: Room #: *** Please mute your phone line If you have any questions during the session, feel free to ask them in the chat box or save them for the Q&A. Please check out the Change Day Ontario video on YouTube, called ‘Change Day Ontario’. Also, If you haven’t officially signed up to be an Ambassador, head to and please sign up. We look forward to having you on board! **Please make sure your audio is enabled and on.

2 Ambassador Training Add AMS, HQO logo to every slide

3 What we’ll be talking about
What is Change Day? Ambassadors Getting Started Leadership Support Taking Action Next Steps & Staying in Touch


5 What’s it all about? What step, big or small, could you take to collectively improve compassionate quality care for Ontarians? More than just a day!! Change Day is a growing global social movement that empowers individuals and teams to take collective action to improve the health system. Anyone working within health care is invited to commit to making a pledge and join the campaign. We believe that small actions can amount to big impact.

6 Stay on top of my annual health and dental check-ups.
I pledge to… Ask every patient I see on the day of discharge whether we could have done anything better. - Irfan, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto Acute Care Stay on top of my annual health and dental check-ups. - Patricia, London, Member of the public Embrace change. - Ashley, Scarborough and Rouge Hospital, Toronto Acute Care Connect with one person every day to explore how leaders can enable compassionate quality care! - Jocelyn, Associated Medical Services, Toronto Use patience and kindness when I’m explaining my less than positive experiences with the healthcare system (specifically involving individuals with m.h. challenges). I will use a positive approach keeping education in mind at all times. - Diana, Dryden Patient, Family or Caregiver Advisor

7 Key Dates & Milestones August September October November Ongoing Ambassador Recruitment & Training Nov. 17th Celebration of Change Day Ontario Sept. 12th Official Launch Pledges Occur Key Ambassador Dates Check out the Getting Started Kit for more information and be sure to join us on social media to share pictures, stories, events, and pledges! September 14th September 20th October 4th October 12th October 18th August 9th August 23rd Training October 11th October 25th Workshops September 21st All training and workshop sessions are from 2 – 2:30PM EST.


9 What are Ambassadors? Ambassadors are people like YOU. People who want to lead positive change. Who can rally those around them. Who can encourage others to make a pledge and take action. Who are interested in connecting with other Ambassadors across Ontario. We are here to support you!

10 “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together
- African Proverb

11 Connect with Emotions If you want people to join you in your change attempts, you will need to engage them. Here are some guidelines: 1. Tell a story. 2. Make it personal. 3. Be authentic. 4. Create a sense of ‘us’ (and be clear who ‘us’ is). 5. Build in a call for urgent action. Connecting with emotions through values

12 Spreading the Message Tap into the downloadable resources and ambassador toolkit available at Getting Started Toolkit, Video(s), Posters, pledge cards, event planning We want to hear from you about what else you need! Start with those you know will be eager to join Encourage them to share the message with others Capitalize on “how things work around here” i.e. competition versus cooperation, communication channels Communicate, communicate, communicate!

13 Engaging Others Resistance means any force that stops or slows movement. Resistance is inevitable… learn to expect it, welcome it.

14 Organizing Identify your organizational contact
Build a team – even just one ally. They can help to energize and sustain you! Listen to (but don’t get drowned by) the sceptics and naysayers. They generally have something to add! Search out key organizational opinion leaders (besides you that is) + Part of a team?

15 You get the best effort from others not by lighting a fire beneath them, but by building a fire within. – Bob Nelson

16 Leadership Support Identify key individuals in your network or organization who can play: A direct role A strategic role An indirect role Identify how different individuals can support your efforts: Permissioning Advocating Setting goals and targets Guidance Spreading the message

17 Taking Action Begin before you are ready!
Make a pledge (be a role model) This is about small actions (which can lead to big change), so it’s okay to keep them small Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good…


19 Next Steps & Staying in Touch
Read the Getting Started Kit Join us on social media and share stories and ideas Join our workshops (details to come!) Change Day Ontario Change Day Ontario Ambassadors Group @ChangeDayON @ChangeDayON #ChangeDayON



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