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Dr Anna Whicher, Head of Design Policy, PDR, Cardiff

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1 Dr Anna Whicher, Head of Design Policy, PDR, Cardiff
Design's Role in Innovation,

2 What is design?

3 What is design? Design is an approach to problem-solving that can be applied across the private and public sector to drive innovation in products, services, processes and strategies.

4 PDR is a design consultancy and research centre.

5 Product design 500+ products a year 3000+ clients
24 major design awards

6 Service design

7 UCD Lab

8 Product design Medical design

9 Policy Design

10 What is a design process?


12 What is the value of design?
€20 revenue for €1 invested €5 in increased exports DESIGN COUNCIL (2012) DESIGN DELIVERS FOR BUSINESS BRIEFING

13 Innobarometer (2015) innovation trends in eu enterprises

14 What are the trends in design?
Big business buying design agencies From products to services Government support for design Using design to create strategy

15 1. Design & big business “Since 2010, 27 companies that were co-founded by designers have been acquired by companies like Google, Facebook, Adobe, and Yahoo.” J. Maeda, “#DesignInTech Report,” 2015

16 2. Products to Services “Servitisation is an opportunity for manufacturers to transform their business model from being product-dominant to being customer-centre and service-focused for competitive advantage. Forbes business 2014

17 3. Government supports design
In 2016, 17 of 28 EU member states had design integrated into business support programmes.

18 4. Design Action Plans • Create 1,800 new jobs in design;
• Establish 200 design agencies; • Generate €10 million in design exports; • Support 300 companies to attend trade missions. DJEI (2015) ‘Action Plan for Jobs’, Irish Government, p.131.

19 How can we enhance design’s role in innovation in Ukraine?
Mapping the Ecosystem Developing an action plan



22 @pdr_dpolicy

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