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Dr.Khuda Bakhsh Professor GC University, Faisalabad

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1 Dr.Khuda Bakhsh Professor GC University, Faisalabad
DETERMINANTS OF TEACHER ATTRITION AT SECONDARY LEVEL IN PUNJAB Dr.Khuda Bakhsh Professor GC University, Faisalabad International Conference on Research and Practices in Education ICRPE AIOU, Islamabad February

2 INTRODUCTION The role of formal education in the development processes is well recognized all over the world. Education is a key contributor to our socio- economic development. Seeing our present educational system, it is found that teachers are not interested in their work and tend to resign or move from one school to another.

3 Teacher attrition is one of the most injurious situations happening in our educational systems in recent years. According to The Dawn newspaper (2015), the majority who had submitted their resignations had completed nearly 10 years of service We are missing the experienced teachers as a result of our policies. Punjab government advertises to hire thousands of educators each years. The solution to the high teacher attrition rate is not recruiting new teachers. Instead, retaining those teachers already in the field., and implementing strategies to minimize their turnover

4 At secondary level, , the teachers are so confused with the working conditions , they are burn out quickly and leave the school. If the teaching profession is to survive, means must be devised for keeping active teachers in the field. This can only be accomplished by identifying the causes of teacher attrition. The present study focused on certain factors affecting the teacher attrition as perceived by government high schools teachers.

5 Statement of the problem
The main statement of the problem is ‘how well certain FACTORS contribute to the teacher attrition among secondary school educators’. Considering the research problem, the following research questions were raised to be answered. What is the individual contribution of principal’s behavior to the teacher attrition ? What is the individual contribution of ‘work load’ to the teacher attrition? What is the individual contribution of ‘salary’ to the teacher attrition? What is the individual contribution of ‘school climate’ to the teacher attrition? What is the individual contribution of ‘Contractual Employment’ to the teacher attrition? What is the accumulative contribution of all the five determinants taken together to the teacher attrition?

6 Research Methodology A sample of fourteen hundreds secondary school teachers of one hundred government boys high schools participated in the study. The researcher developed a questionnaire to measure the FIVE predictors taken as determinants of teacher attrition. . The collected data was entered into SPSS for data analysis. The strength of the each determinant of the teacher attrition was found using regression analysis.

7 Results Table 1. Table 2. Individual contribution of ‘ Work Load’
Individual contribution of ‘ School Climate’ to Teacher Attrition Table Individual contribution of ‘ Work Load’ R Adjusted R Square Standard Error of the Estimate .714 .509 .512 5.765 R Adjusted R Square Standard Error of the Estimate .498 .248 .251 5.152

8 Individual contribution of ‘ Behavior of Principal’
Table 3. Individual contribution of ‘ Behavior of Principal’ Table 4. Table 4. Individual contribution of ‘Contractual Employment’ R Adjusted R Square Standard Error of the Estimate .572 .327 .329 5.278 R Adjusted R Square Standard Error of the Estimate .412 .169 .158 6.052

9 Individual contribution of ‘Salary’
Table 5. Individual contribution of ‘Salary’ Tables 1 to 5 show the results of linear regression analysis of the five selected variables with the teacher attrition. .School Climate was found to be dominant predictor contributing 50 % to the attrition. Parallel to it Salary, Behavior of the school Principal, Workload and Contractual Employment well determined the Teacher Attrition with certain predictive powers (R²) as 36 %, 32 %, 24 % and 16 % respectively R Adjusted R Square Standard Error of the Estimate .605 .366 .365 5.011 .

10 (ii) Multiple Regression Analysis of the FIVE predictors with the Teacher Attrition
Table 6. Joint contribution (cumulative effect of the all variables on the dependent variable) Table 6 depicts that the joint influence of the five determinants is about sixty five percent to the Teacher Attrition . It means there may be other predictors of the attrition to be explored/replicated in the future research on teacher attrition. R Adjusted R Square Standard Error of the Estimate .807 .651 .655 5.512

11 Conclusions It was concluded with the results of data analysis that school climate is a strong predictor of teacher attrition followed by his salary, principal behavior, workload and contractual employment. All of the FIVE predictors well determined the teacher attrition with significant predictive powers (R²). The joint contribution of all the five predictors taken together was 65 percent to the variance of attrition . It implies that there may be other determinants of the teacher attrition to be investigated on the same lines.

12 RECOMMENDATIONS On the basis of findings, the followings recommendations were made: The principal should produce the desired school climate providing his teachers an environment conducive to teaching- learning process . Our policy makers and appointing authority should increase the pay of the educators as compatible with their needs and esteem. The principal should make constant, earnest and painstaking efforts to see the teachers feel at ease in his presence. He should display the best of friendly behavior enriched with good sense of humor. Most of the teachers are not satisfied with the working conditions and workload. The Punjab government should take potent measure for the job satisfaction of the teachers so they can work with their due interest and pleasure.

13 Thank You

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