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Research, innovation, and evaluation, and framing inquiry

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1 Research, innovation, and evaluation, and framing inquiry
Scholarship in Health Education Research and Innovation (SHERI) course Rachel H. Ellaway Community Health Sciences Office of Health and Medical Education Scholarship

2 Health education is a field
No single theory, method, or approach A meeting point for multiple concepts, practices, disciplines, perspectives: Cognitivist - brains Social constructivist Systems Philosophy, values Practical and pragmatic focus on improving the training of physicians to improve health outcomes

3 A broad focus Different levels (individual learning <> whole med-ed systems) Different issues (what happens, how does it work, how can we improve it, how can we fix it, how do we respond to it …?) Different values Nomothetic – generalisable, global Idiographic – context specific, local Different philosophies Measurement, explanation, prediction, generalism … Strength in this eclecticism – and conflict

4 Scholarship Boyer’s model:
Scholarship of discovery (research, innovation) Scholarship of integration (synthesis, cross-domain) Scholarship of application (effectiveness) Scholarship of teaching and learning (systematic evaluation and exploration) Boyer, E. L. (1990). Scholarship reconsidered: Priorities of the professoriate. Princeton, N.J: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

5 Quality in scholarship
Quality in educational scholarship is reflected in work that is peer-reviewed and publicly disseminated, and that provides a platform that others can build on. [Canadian Association for Medical Education definition - paraphrased]

6 Scholarly practice Structured inquiry: Clear goals
Adequate preparation Appropriate methods Significant results Effective presentation Reflective critique Glassick CE, Huber MR, Maeroff GI. Scholarship Assessed: Evaluation of the Professoriate. 1997; San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

7 What is inquiry? Develop knowledge, understanding in a focused and structured way Organizing knowledge Systematic enquiry Exploring through experimentation Testable and predictive models Many ways to structure inquiry Depends on assumptions about reality and knowledge

8 Approaches to inquiry: METRICS
Metascholarship Evaluation Translation Research Innovation Conceptual Synthesis

9 Ontology and epistemology
Ontology – the study of being What exists, what is real, what do things have in common? Epistemology – the study of knowledge, truth, belief e.g. knowing how a car works vs knowing how to drive a car vs knowing how to build a car … Difference: ‘does this exist?’ is ontology, ‘how can we understand this?’ is an epistemology Both required in structured inquiry

10 Example Ontology: does the [phenomenon] I am interested in really exist? What kind of thing is it? What other things is it like? Can I treat this thing in the same way? Epistemology: what kinds of knowledge do we already have of this [phenomenon]? What kinds of knowledge do we need? How will we know and what will we know about it from this study/project? Both have implications for theory and method …

11 Theory “a set of interrelated constructs, definitions and propositions that presents a systematic view of phenomena by specifying relations among variables, with the purpose of explaining and predicting the phenomena” Theory must be testable – confirmed or rejected consistently Theories are provisional – trajectories towards truth Two intersecting bodies of theory: Theories of phenomena Theories of inquiry Kerlinger, F (1970). Foundations of behavioural research. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

12 The process of empiricism
Experience Classification Quantification Discovery of relationships Approximation to the truth “the ultimate arbiter is not faith or utility or logic, or even truth, but the empirical world itself” Gorham, p52 Gorham, G (2009) The Philosophy of Science: A Beginner's Guide. Oneworld.

13 Theory and empiricism theory empiricism
“Theory without experience is empty, but experience without theory is blind” Immanuel Kant Theory guides our approach to empiricism Theory explains our empirical findings theory empiricism

14 Summary Scholarship sets standards for working in and around HPE
There are different dimensions of scholarship, different kinds of approaches With training, anyone can adopt a scholarly stance Inquiry is central to scholarship

15 Summary Ontology: what exists, what things are like
Epistemology: what we know, how we know it Theory: propositions about how the world works Empiricism: testing or generating knowledge based on real world experience Theory and empiricism a necessary dyad Many paradigms

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