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Discussing Letters 1 and 2

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1 Discussing Letters 1 and 2
Who is Robert Walton? What is he searching for? What is his attitude toward his quest? What do these details suggest to you about his character? In this letter to his sister, what does Walton say he longs for? Why do you think Walton feels lonely even though he is on board a ship with a full crew?

2 Letters 3 and 4 How does Walton respond to the stranger? Why do you think Walton is attracted to the stranger? Walton has a thirst for knowledge, as the stranger once did. What details suggest that both are willing to make sacrifices in the search for knowledge? Do they seem unusual in this respect?

3 Chapter One and Two Analysis
List VF's personal qualities Evaluate Victor’s childhood & relationship with his parents Evaluate how Victor Frankenstein deals with his sense of personal responsibility.

4 Parental Responsibility
The importance and responsibility of being a good parent is referred to in different ways throughout the book. Victor gives a picture of an ideal parent when he describes his parents in chap. 1 (p.19). Reread “From Italy they visited Germany . . .” List the qualities of an ideal parent Shelley inserts into her narrative. According to the paragraph from Frankenstein, what is the most important responsibility for a parent? What does “bring up to good” mean? What does the image of the silken cord mean? Why is it silken?

5 Frankenstein’s Academic Obsessions
Natural Philosophy: the philosophical study of nature and the physical universe that was dominant before modern science Cornelius Agrippa: German physicist, occult writer, magician, etc. How do these preoccupations show that Victor is romantic? What does his dejection after his father casually dismisses Agrippa show you about his character?

6 Chapter 3 & 4: Frankenstein
What prevents Victor’s departure to Ingolstadt? How do the individuals in the family react to that tragedy? Place Ingolstadt on your map. Why doesn’t Clerval go with Victor to Ingolstadt? Evaluate Victor’s mental state and initial success in college.

7 Chapter 3 & 4: Frankenstein
What prevents Victor’s departure to Ingolstadt? How do the individuals in the family react to that tragedy? Place Ingolstadt on your map. Why doesn’t Clerval go with Victor to Ingolstadt? Evaluate Victor’s mental state and initial success in college.

8 Reading Response Why does Victor Frankenstein decide to construct a “man” and give it life? Why does he make the creature so large? Is Victor Frankenstein truly remorseful of his actions? Why? If not, what emotion does he have? Do you agree/ Does our culture agree: “A human being…ought always preserve a calm and peaceful mind, and never allow passion or a transitory desire to disturb his tranquility.”

9 Reading Response So far, what would you say the theme or moral of the novel is? How do you know this? Find an example of foreboding in Shelley’s writing style. What is the intended affect? Is she successful? What is a framed narrative and what does Shelley achieve by employing this technique? What is an epistolary and what does Shelley achieve by employing this device?

10 Reading Response How does Victor Frankenstein act to his creature?
How does the creature respond to Frankenstein? Explain what Shelley achieves by referencing Dante? (“It became a thing such as even Dante could not have conceived.”) Explain the dream Victor has after his creation comes to life.

11 Analyzing Epistolary Structure
Urged by her husband, Percy Shelley, to expand her ghost story into a novel, Mary Shelley added Walton’s letters as a frame to Frankenstein’s tale. Do you believe the letters are an effective device for drawing readers into the story? What did you learn about explorers through Walton’s letters? What did you learn about the stranger? Why do you think Shelley chose to lead into the stranger’s story by starting with a frame story about Robert Walton?

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