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The New Republic.

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1 The New Republic


3 Early America Federalists- strong cent. Gov’t
Anti-feds- feared strong gov’t Bill of Rights sooth anti-feds 1789- J. Madison proposed 12 amendments, (10 made it) The Constitution Protected slavery Ignored women No Native American rights?

4 The New Government 1789 G.W. unanimously voted 1st president Cabinet:
Set precedents Cabinet: T. Jefferson-(sec of state)- protect agriculture and limited gov. A. Hamilton(sec. of treasury)- wanted increase the powers of the govt

5 Hamilton’s Financial Plans
Nat’l debt $ owed during Am. Revolution 1790- 1. Gov’t should pay off its bonds (farmer had already sold theirs) 2. gov’t assume the debts of the states (south had already paid theirs off!!!) Those measures were intended to favor industrial North over ag. south

6 Hamilton’s Financial Plans
3. create a nat’l bank- to issue $, regulate financial affairs, and loan $ to citizens (power of government increases) 4. whiskey tax- many farmers protested the only tax in the country (aimed at them) Federal army sent to put down violent rebellion. Whiskey Rebellion This was successful in testing the nation’s powers to tax and control problems

7 worksheet Liberty Vs. Order in the 1790s 10 Points in Notebook
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8 Developing Rivalries

9 France and Britain 1789- violent revolution began in France to reform corrupt govt Chopped off King’s head, Britain declared war on France! Jefferson and Republicans supported Fr. Rev Federalists (Hamilton/Adams) viewed it as evidence of the destructiveness of the common people and supported Britain

10 Washington’s Views Neutrality Proclamation- U.S. would stay neutral
Jay’s Treaty- weak but Brits will remove troops in America

11 Read. P.205 “Washington says Farewell” and answer:
Why did Washington warn against formation of political parties?

12 G.W.’s Farewell Political harmony had passed
1797- decided to leave office. Urged Americans to avoid conflicts with foreign nations and political parties

13 Alien & Sedition Acts 1797- John Adams=pres (F) Thomas Jefferson= V.P. ® Alien Act- power to expel any aliens or foreign born residents who were dangerous to peace Sedition Act- making it a crime for anyone to write, print, utter, or publish any false, scandalous, or malicious writing aobut eh President or gov’t

14 These two laws proved very unpopular and turned public opinion against the Federalists

15 Worksheet quiz grade The Government takes a new course worksheet
No talking Quiz Grade Hold onto it until I take it up Pages Only do #1-5 today

16 Election of 1800 Hard-fought and dirty campaigns, but Jefferson(R) barely beat Adams (F) Jefferson decided to let nation heal

17 Court Packing Before his term ran out, Adams and congress added 21 positions to the roster of federal judges (Federalists) Several appointments left for Jefferson’s administration Madison refused to deliver them Federalists William Marbury appealed to the Supreme Court when he didn’t receive his appointment

18 Chief Justice John Marshall
ruled that the law requiring the appointments was unconstitutional Marbury V. Madison- established the right of the Supreme Court to judge an act of Congress illegal (strengthening supreme court) Marshall consistently supported Federalists programs for strong gov’t

19 Conflict at Home Hamilton- envisioned a nation w/ bustling cities, churning factories, big banks, and powerful gov’t Jefferson: felt democracy worked best in a society of small farmers living in quiet rural areas = rise of political parties

20 Worksheet quiz grade The Government takes a new course worksheet
No talking Quiz Grade Hold onto it until I take it up Pages do #6-10 today

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