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Welcome to Barnwood C of E Primary School Maths meeting on calculations for addition and subtraction.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Barnwood C of E Primary School Maths meeting on calculations for addition and subtraction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Barnwood C of E Primary School Maths meeting on calculations for addition and subtraction.

2 The New Maths Curriculum
The aims of the new maths curriculum are: Fluency Reasoning Problem Solving

3 Fluency The Government wants pupils to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics. Fluency is not all about pupils rote learning facts but is about them having an understanding of why they are doing what they are doing and to know when it is appropriate to use different methods.

4 Encourage your child to talk about their Maths
You can’t do maths unless you can talk about it. When your child is completing maths activities question them. Why is that the answer? How do you know you are correct? Can you explain to me how you did that? Why does my way and your way work? What do you know that would help you find the answer? Success in maths does not depend on how many answers you know, but by what you do when you don't know the answer.

5 Recognise maths in every day situations

6 Reasoning You can encourage pupils to reason by asking them to make a conjecture. Is this always, sometimes, never true? E.g. When you add two odd numbers you always get an even number as your answer. When I add two fractions each less than ½ the result will be less than 2. You can encourage them to generalize by asking them to notice a pattern or a relationship. Can they expand the pattern? E.g. – =24 19 +5=24 18+6=24

7 When is reasoning needed?
When first encountering a new challenge When logical thinking is required When a range of starting points is possible When there are different strategies to solve a problem When there is missing information When selecting a problem-solving skill When evaluating a solution in context – is it a sensible answer in the context of the problem When there is more than one solution

8 Strategies for problem solving
Act it out Trial and error/improvement Working backwards Identifying patterns Simplifying a problem List or table Algebra – missing numbers

9 Family life provides many opportunities for children to apply their mathematic skills in problem solving situations. They can help to plan a party or a family holiday. The important things is to always encourage your child to break down problems into a series of simpler steps and to encourage them to persevere in seeking solutions.


11 2 2 + 1 3 = Partition +10 +3 22 32 35 Number Lines 11

12 6 7 + 2 4 9 1 Add units Add tens 1 Column Addition 12


14 2 2 - 1 3 = 9 +7 +2 13 20 22 Number Lines to count on 14

15 5 8 - 2 6 3 2 This moves onto decomposition when the children are ready. Column Subtraction 15

16 4 5 1 4 Decomposition - 2 6 2 8 As you can see, the children need to have an understanding of place value before moving on to this. The teacher may use practical apparatus to demonstrate how the ‘exchanging’ works. 16




20 Thank you for your support and we hope you find the evening informative and enjoyable.

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