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Risk Analysis of Autonomous Cars in Mixed Traffic Streams

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1 Risk Analysis of Autonomous Cars in Mixed Traffic Streams
Instructor: Dr. Parth Bhavsar UTRC Sponsored Project

2 Description Students in previous clinics identified risks associated with autonomous vehicles. In this clinic, students will conduct online survey of subject matter experts to revise the failure probabilities of components and evaluate risk minimization strategies.

3 Objectives Conduct a literature search on Delphi survey method
Prepare draft survey for Subjects Matter Experts (SMEs) Conduct online survey of SMEs Analyze the responses and draw consensus among them Identify/modify risk minimization strategies Conduct Benefits-costs analysis for identified risk minimization strategies

4 Timeline of Semester Tasks Weeks Task 1: Conduct literature review
1, 2 Task 2: Prepare the survey tools (questionnaires and invitation s) 2, 3 Task 3: Develop list of the participants (SMEs) 4 Task 4: Release and monitor the survey, and respond to questions from participants 5, 6 Task 5: Analyze the survey results :- midterm presentation 7, 8 Task 6: Prepare costs and benefits tables for identified strategies and collect associated values 9,10 Task 7: Conduct Benefits-Costs analysis 11, 12 Task 8: Final report and presentation 13

5 Contact: Office:

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