Supervised Learning Events-Trainees’ perspective

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Presentation on theme: "Supervised Learning Events-Trainees’ perspective"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supervised Learning Events-Trainees’ perspective
Sapna Patel Chris O’ Dowd Booth

2 Background Supervised Learning Events (SLEs): CBD Mini-CEX DOPs MSF

3 Method Questionnaire to 20 trainees asking their perspective

4 Evaluation of the E portfolio Supervised Learning Events (SLE)
How do you undertake a Mini-CEX with your supervisor? What is your understanding of a case based discussion (CBD)? Do the SLEs feel like an assessment? What is your understanding of a Mini-Clinical Evaluation eXercise(CEX)? Is it a valuable process? Why? Who do you undertake your Do you receive sufficient feedback on the forms? CBD/Mini CEX with? Do you find it easy to engage your seniors/supervisor in the supervised learning events? Are the forms completed at the time of the exercise? Are there any improvements or changes you would make to CBDs or Mini-Cexs? How do you undertake a CBD with your supervisor?

5 Results

6 Discussion 40% value SLEs 50% feel as though they are being assessed
45% feel that time is a very important factor with 25% critical of time given for SLEs 40% noted significant variability between trainers 85% dissatisfaction with the feedback and only 15% received feedback during the assessment Valuable-highlight mistakes/areas for improvement, forces you to learn on the job, learn from complex cases, help improve clinical skills and thinking process Time consuming process hence feedback depends on how engaged the assesor is Easier in more junior grades to get a sctructured assessment and better feedback

7 Recommendations Assessor education and training
Time on rota dedicated to SLEs Constructive feedback-audit trainers forms filled to assess this Education re how to undertake the sle, time spent and feedback Formality or lack of depends on sneiors understanding of the sle

8 Thank you

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