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. Workplace-Based Assessment: a true reflection of competency ? Trevor Gibbs.

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Presentation on theme: ". Workplace-Based Assessment: a true reflection of competency ? Trevor Gibbs."— Presentation transcript:

1 . Workplace-Based Assessment: a true reflection of competency ? Trevor Gibbs

2 . “ To obtain a valid and reliable measure of the student you have to assess him / her in the real environment they are training for.” in the “ workplace ” in real situations through multiple biopsies spread over time use in a summative way use in a formative way

3 . Types of workplace-based assessments: Mini- CEX– mini clinical assessment exercises Clinical work sampling ( CWS ) Direct observation of procedures ( DOPS) Case-based discussion ( CbD ) Multi-source feedback (MSF)

4 . Mini-CEX—mini clinical assessment exercise Short -- less than 30 minutes Purposeful and focused Variety of settings Different encounters / different faculty Scored and effective, structured feedback Recorded

5 . Clinical work sampling ( CWS ) Tests specific skills separately communication, diagnostic, investigative, health promoting Directly observed Number & type of team members can assess

6 . Direct observation of procedural skills ( DOPS ) Real workplace setting, not OSCE Domains of learning Iterative, number of assessors, number of times Log book / formative portfolios of learning recording

7 . Case-based discussion ( CbD ). “ Live notes ” Record keeping Clinical reasoning Structured

8 . Multi-source feedback ( MSF ) – 360 degree feedback “ information provided by a co-worker on the aspects of performing and understanding, in a routine environment ” Multiple sampling Team approach Written / anonymous Patients included

9 . How effective are these forms of assessment ? Research - validity / reliability / correlation - feedback / fail What stops them from being introduced ? Resource intensive Perceptively harder Not what we are used to

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