Vocal & Visual Delivery

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1 Vocal & Visual Delivery
Academic Vocabulary

2 Learning Targets I can define characteristics and examples of vocal and visual delivery. I can practice and enhance my delivery skills by creating and utilizing appropriate vocal and visual techniques.

3 Tone Tone shows the speaker’s emotion or attitude

4 Volume Volume conveys emotion or emphasis; it also keeps attention; e.g., whispering versus shouting.

5 Pace Pace shows action, movement, and can also be used relay emotional state. Pace can also refer to the use of sentence structure: short choppy sentences or long flowing, descriptive sentences have different effect on the listener

6 Pause A pause shows thoughtfulness, hesitance, strong emotion or emphasis on a particular word or sentiment.

7 Visual Delivery Visual delivery includes non-verbal communication to aid in the understanding and interpretation of a performance; e.g., gestures, posture, movement, and eye contact.

8 Group Collaboration Divide the class into groups.
Each group will be assigned one academic vocabulary term. Come up with examples or answer questions about term

9 Vocal and Visual Delivery Examples:
Tone – Give five examples of tones and verbal or non-verbal cues for each Volume – When should the volume be high? When should it be low? Give an example of each. Pace – When should the pace be fast? When should the pace be slow? Give an example of each. Pause – Give three examples of when you should pause while speaking and why it would be effective to do so in that moment Non-Verbals – Give five examples of “visual” delivery cues for a confident speaker

10 “Hi Honey, I’m Home.” Drama Game
Each student will select a scenario card. Identify the vocal and visual delivery techniques you anticipate using to convey your specified scenario. Present your scenario. See if the the class can accurately identify what situation you were assigned!

11 (gestures, posture, movement, eye contact)
Exit ticket Complete the following performance anticipation concerning your assigned “Transcendentalist” role. Visual Delivery (gestures, posture, movement, eye contact) Vocal Delivery (pitch, volume, pace, rate, pauses, vocal variety, pronunciation/articulation) What inferences do you wish to be made regarding this character and/or scenario?

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