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Scientific Revolution

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1 Scientific Revolution
Astronomy captures the imagination Copernicus to Newton Thesis: Describe the new astronomy of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and analyze the ways in which it changed scientific thought and methods.

2 16th and 17th Century Sweeping change in the view of the universe
Led to change in moral and religious matters Change in the method of science New knowledge and new science New inventions Telescope, microscope Is this a revolution in science (Scientific revolution?)

3 Was it a Revolution? Normal definition  rapid, collective change involving large numbers of people It was a complex movement Not rapid Many ideas Medicine, chemistry, natural history and astronomy False starts Involved new and old ideas and different parts of society

4 Nicolaus Copernicus Tycho Brahe Johannes Kepler Galileo Galilei Isaac Newton

5 Copernicus On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres
Criticism of the Ptolemaic systems (dominant view) Earth was the center of the universe (geocentrism) God & Angels Earth

6 Problems with Ptolemaic System
How do you explain “backward movement” Two circles moving at the same time Not orbits  predictions How do you explain speed? System was flawed

7 Copernicus’s Universe

8 Heliocentric Model Earth moves around the sun No new evidence
Circles were smaller (accounts for speed) Longer rotation, bigger orbit Earth moves (explains backward movement) No new evidence Used MATH System was not accepted immediately

9 Tycho Brahe Did not agree with Copernicus’s view
Set out to scientifically prove he was wrong Invented scientific instruments No new theory BUT data influenced other thinkers Assistant Kepler

10 Johannes Kepler Rigorous support of heliocentric theory
Epicycles vs. elliptical The New Astronomy Elliptical orbits around the sun Did not answer Why elliptical? Why orbits? Later answered by Newton

11 Galileo Galilei First to use a telescope to look at the stars
Result: Heavens were complex Argument: what he saw supported Copernicus Popularity for heliocentric view grew Heavens  Mathematics All natural philosophy  cold, rational, mathematical

12 Isaac Newton Lingering Question: How do planets move in an orderly fashion? Original idea: based on weight Newton's: based on mutual attraction (gravity) Demonstrated mathematically (no explanation why) Observation before explanation The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (Latin: Principia Mathematica)

13 Westminster Abbey

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