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Kennedy-Nixon 1. Who were the two candidates in the 1960 election?

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Presentation on theme: "Kennedy-Nixon 1. Who were the two candidates in the 1960 election?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kennedy-Nixon 1. Who were the two candidates in the 1960 election?
2. Why did religion part a role in that election? 3. How did television influence the election? 4. Who wins the election of 1960? 5. What happened in Cuba in 1959, which will cause concern in the U.S.? 6. This was a failed attempt to overthrow the new leader of Cuba? 7. What did our spy planes find in Cuba in 1962? 8. How did the U.S. react to the situation? 9. How did the situation end? 10. What happened in Berlin to symbolize the conflict between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.? 11. What special request did Kennedy ask the people of the nation in his Inaugural? 12. What influence did Jackie Kennedy have on the nation? 13. This was the name of Kennedy’s overall program to lead us into the future? 14. This specific Kennedy program was designed to get volunteers to help povertystricken nations around the world? 15. What specific goal did Kennedy challenge the whole nation, but especially the scientific community to reach? 16. What happened in Nov in Dallas, Texas? 17. Who committed this crime? 18. Who became the new President? 19. This was the official investigation into the assassination? 20. What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 do? 21. What did Johnson call his program for a better tomorrow? 22. What was the role of Head Start? 23. Identify Medicare? 24. Identify Medicaid? 25. Identify HUD? 26. What was the book Silent Spring about? 27. How did the Warren Court of the 60’s change the Constitution? 28. What two Constitutional Amendments were basically ignored by a large part of the population? 29. How did Jackie Robinson help to change racial discrimination? 30. Who was Rosa Parks? 31. Who would lead the boycotts in Montgomery Alabama? 32. Describe the belief of Martin Luther King Jr. about protesting unjust laws. 33. What was the SCLC? 34. Where did school desegregation become a national issue in 1957? 35. How did Eisenhower solve the problem? 36. Where did the sit-in movement begin and when? 37. What did the Freedom Riders do?

2 Kennedy-Nixon 38. In 1963, protestors in this Alabama city where met with police violence and fire-hoses? 39. Who was James Meredith? 40. What did George Wallace do to gain national attention? 41. What was the March on Washington? 42. What Federal law finally guaranteed voting rights to African Americans? 43. Who was Medgar Evers? 44. What religious group emerged to challenge African Americans to form separate communities from whites? 45. Who became the leading spokesperson of this group? 46. Who started the Black Power movement? 47. This group led by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton advocated self-defense against white violence.? 48. Which civil rights leader was killed in 1964, by a rival member of his own group? 49. Which leader was killed in Memphis, Tenn. In 1968? 50. Who was the assassin? 51. Which potential President and civil rights supporter was also assassinated in 1968? 52. This foreign policy theory said that if we allow one nation to become communist, then others would soon follow. 53. An incident in the area near Vietnam led to the beginnings of U.S. involvement in Vietnam? 54. What was the name of the communist forces of Vietnam? 55. Identify Hawks and Doves? 56. What were deferments? 57. What was the turning point of Vietnam? 58. Who was President when the U.S. began sending troops into Vietnam? 59. Who became President in 1968? 60. Name two colleges were war protests ended with deadly violence? 61. These were secret documents about the war effort that were released to newspapers that damaged the government’s credibility? 62. What law was passed as a result of Vietnam that limits a President’s power to wage war without approval? 63. Who did Cesar Chavez fight for? 64. What is NOW? 65. These people were the non-conformist youths who revolted against the people in control of the nation? 66. What was Nixon’s policy of giving power back to local governments called? 67. What was Nixon’s policy of relaxing tensions with the Communist nations called? 68. What two Communist nations did Nixon visit in person? 69. This scandal in the 1972 election would cause Nixon to resign? 70. This Supreme Court case resulted in the Court ordering the President to release tapes of recorded conversations?

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