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Nine Principles of Kingdom Economics

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1 Nine Principles of Kingdom Economics
Viv Grigg, June 2006

2 When people heard him, what did they understand?
Jesus came to preach good news of the Kingdom of God to the poor, to set the captives free, to declare the acceptable year of the Lord (– the year of Jubilee) (Luke 4:18, 19). When people heard him, what did they understand? So what do we train pastors in? Churchplanting Holistic churchplanting Kingdom Economics I will share some of this with you and make application for you here in the Tab It begins by affirming the pastors in their central activity of preaching the Kingdom. But what is the Kingdom. To understand this we look at the social and econnomci and ppoitical aspects of the Kingdom. This begins in Luke 4:18 It is reasoanable to understand that this acceptable year that Isaiah is refers to refers back to the Jubilee in Exodus.

3 Kingdom Economic Principles in Genesis 1
God’s Nature is to be reflected in us Principle 1: Creativity – He creates (Gen 1:1) Take risks Makes something from nothing Evolving one thing from the next – we are to grow business incrementally Principle 2: He works cooperatively (“Let us”1:1) Principle 3: Productivity – “he made”, “it was good” Principle 4: He works Principle 5: He rests

4 Principle 1 & 3: Creativity & Productivity
God is the creative worker His work was good, expressing beauty Made something out of nothing Evolved each step into something new His work was artistic His work was good Work is honorable God’s work can be seen in four categories: creation, providence, judgement, redemption

5 Work was cursed in the fall
Principle 4: Work Human work To manage the earth To subdue it To fill it Work was cursed in the fall It became hard work From gardener to farmer, from fulfilment to frustration But the command to manage did not change What rate of interest do they charge?

6 Principle 5: Rest Abuse of work takes two forms:
Idleness Overwork Work without rest is one of the major sins The Sabbath a symbol of the covenant between God and his people a time to reflect and rest out of this reflection, worship. Christians enter a permanent rest We rest in the spirit in our work But we also take seasons of rest

7 Principle 6: Redistribution The Jubilee (Lev 25:8-17)
Every 50th year, It was a time of equalizing. I. LIBERTY It is synonymous with the year of liberty. Slaves are to be set free. II. DEBTS ARE TO BE CANCELED. Economic freedom is inherent in the gospel message. III. CELEBRATION. Celebration is inherent in the gospel message. IV. REDISTRIBUTION The means of production, the land was to be returned to the original owners. Redistribution of the means of production is inherent in the gospel message. V. OWNERSHIP Even the Levites were to have their own home

8 Jesus’ Message of the Jubilee
This theme of the Jubilee becomes central to the New Testament In the central passage around which Luke builds his gospel and the Acts, Luke 4:18, Jesus declares his mission He inaugurates the Jubilee eternally.

9 Jubilee Economics in the Acts Community (Acts 2:42-44)

10 Principle of Simplicity I Tim 6:6-10

11 Principle 6: Jubilee and International Redistribution (2 Corinthians 8,9)
The principles of Jubilee as evidenced in Jesus community, then in the Acts community are further extended globally in Paul’s teaching on global redistribution between the churches

12 Principle 6: International Redistribution
Sacrificial Simple Lifestyles lead to Interchurch International Economic Justice (II Cor 8,9)

13 Summary of Principles of Kingdom Economics
Genesis/ Jubilee Gospels & Acts Epistles 1. Creativity God the creator Spirit sets free 2. Cooperative Economics Let us make Sharing Provide for others 3. Productivity Good outcomes 4. Work He makes He structures Labour in the gospel Work with hands (1 Thes 4:11) 5. Rest God rests Jubilee come 3. Rest 6 Redistribut’n for Equality Jubilee –return of land Tithing No needy one Weekly Giving Global redist’n (2 Cor 8,9) Simplicity 7. Savings & Debt Jubilee cancels debts Debts cancelled Owe no man 8. Celebration It was good Worship daily 9. Ownership / Own home / Forsake all, / Provide family (Levites) yet own home (1 Tim 5:8)


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