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A tour of features introducing THE MATUL. A Degree in Urban Missions Theology Church Growth LeadershipDevelopment Social Sciences Culture Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "A tour of features introducing THE MATUL. A Degree in Urban Missions Theology Church Growth LeadershipDevelopment Social Sciences Culture Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 a tour of features introducing THE MATUL

2 A Degree in Urban Missions Theology Church Growth LeadershipDevelopment Social Sciences Culture Studies

3 The MATUL as a degree in: 4. Community Transformational Practica 1 Poor People’s Theology Poor People’s Theology 2 Leadership of Apostolic Movements 3 Social Entrepreneurial Leadership

4 A Foundation in Poor People’s Theology Action-reflection theology is truncated if actions are not carefully developed according to best practice 1

5 Urban Conversation God Conversation Transformational Conversation Getting Started with Poor Peoples Theology

6 Storytelling of Jesus Parables, Proverbs, Pithy Sayings Correlated with The Story-telling of the People In Style in content in context Contextual urban theologies Getting Started with Poor Peoples’ Theology

7 Organize for Outcomes Action-Reflection Theology? We do theology – God is a God of action As the people do they create local theologies Theologians role is to listen, identify, codify, write, communicate, create overarching leadership to ideas In 15 courses Leading to a Multi- Dimensioned Thesis Transformational Conversational research correlating the Biblical and theological themes with the Participant Observational anthropological methodology in a Grounded Research approach Theology is always missional for so is God

8 2 The core question behind the degree is how do we multiply apostolic leaders of movements of churches? Around apostles are prophets, evangelists, pastors, teaches, deaconesses

9 It’s not just about the classes, but strengthening YOUR FOCUS. Apostles?

10 pioneer new works evangelize multiply cells build teams of diverse gifting sustain mobility train others in diverse ministries appoint successors suffer much Apostles

11 Deacon/ness = NGO/ Business Leadership Pastor/Teacher Evangelist Apostle movement Leaders Prophet -conceptualizers

12 Deacon/ness = NGO/ Business Leadership Pastor/Teacher Evangelist Apostle movement Leaders Prophet -conceptualizers

13 Across the degree students need to be multiplying cells, small fellowships The TUL530 Churchplanting and the TUL620 Movement Leadership courses train in apostolic skills One the first semester, multiplying them in the second year The diaconal courses should contribute to this process Many just want to be students of each course The degree has lost one core course in this, so is not succeeding well with this

14 3 Social Entrepreneurship Leadership Theology of Economics, of Social Justice outworked in small business, and development of NGO’s

15 WHAT IS SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE SLUMS? Innovative management of resources Making profit (whether a non-profit or a business) With a social outcome Crossing over from the informal sector to the formal sector Setting up of small scale businesses in the slums Large scale projects Models Purpose Vision Economics of Solidarity =surviving together Creating chains of supportive business Self –help development programs// Harambee schemes //SACCO

16 Contextual theology for urban poor people involves responses to poverty. The starting point for this are the many Biblical principles of economic discipleship. Teaching principle of creativity, productivity, thrift, management leads to increased success in entrepreneurship among poor people. As Christians in the community they also have a concern about peoples health, education, garbage, housing, so take lead in community organizing to accomplish goals in such arenas. This social entrepreneurship requires a development of skill-sets of resource raising, people management, financial management, board and leadership skills, business planning, fundraising. Getting Started with Entrepreneurship

17 7 of the courses in the MATUL lend themselves to training some of these skills. The starting point is in the Community Economics course which covers ten Biblical principles, and explores these at individual, community, city and national/international levels, looking at cooperative schemes and microfinances. Five internships where students are working within NGO's gives them inside understandings of NGO management, funding, financial management, budgetting, boards, etc. The community transformation course involves them in the logistics of a seed project with a local church. These are integrated in the Organizational And Entrepreneurial Leadership course which step by step leads them to develop a business plan, financial plans, funding plan, personnell plan for a local organization, ideally where the plan is good enough so that a funder invests small capital. Getting Started with Entrepreneurship

18 Organize for Outcomes How much information? Thus graduates should know how to be social entrepreneurs heading up or starting NGO's or churches, how to facilitate students in their entrepreneurship or in social entrepreneurship. They should be familiar with the complete range of skills for managing such processes. Some will move into business, but with a social conscience. Some will move into the global social entrepreneurial scene as businessmen /women or as leaders in large multinational NGO's. All will have intimate knowledge of urban poor contextual dynamics. Multi- Dimensioned Lower Circuit to Upper Circuit Entrepreneurship

19 YEAR 1 Semester 1Semester 2 TUL 500Writings, Reign and Urban RealitiesTUL 540Urban Reality and Theology TUL 505Language and Culture AcquisitionTUL 550Service to the Marginalized TUL 520Urban SpiritualityTUL 555Educational Centre Development TUL 530Building Faith CommunitiesTUL 560 Theology & Practice of Community Economics YEAR 2 Semester 1Semester 2 TUL 620Leadership in Urban MovementsTUL 640 Entrepreneurial @ Organizational Leadership TUL 630Community TransformationTUL 655Advocacy and the Urban Environment TUL 650Primary Health CareTUL 670Research Project or Thesis

20 Fields in Urban Missiology Holistic Mission Theology Transformational Conversations Urban Spirituality Church growthEvangelism Cultural Studies Language Urban Realities Leadership Studies Movement Leadership Transformational Leadership Social Entrepreneurship Cooperative Urban Economics Social Entrepreneurial Competencies NGO Leadership in Marginalized Health Land rights Schooling Urban Planning


22 Summary of Principles of Kingdom Economics Principle Genesis/ JubileeGospels & Acts Epistles 1. CreativityGod the creatorSpirit sets free 2. Cooperative Economics Let us makeSharingProvide for others 3. Productivity Good outcomes 4. WorkHe makes He structures Labour in the gospel Work with hands (1 Thes 4:11) 5. RestGod restsJubilee come3. Rest 6 Redistribut’n for Equality Jubilee –return of land Tithing No needy one Weekly Giving Global redist’n (2 Cor 8,9) Simplicity 7. Savings & Debt Jubilee cancels debts Debts cancelled Owe no man 8. CelebrationIt was goodWorship daily 9. Ownership / Own home / Forsake all, / Provide family (Levites) yet own home (1 Tim 5:8)

23 4 Community Transformation Practica Theology of Street Kids, Land Rights, Housing, Community Economics, Education, Social Justice outworked in small business, advocacy for land (and latrines), working with sex trafficked women, multiplying church based slum schools, and development of NGO’s How do these relate to the multiplation of movments of churches among the poor?

24 A unique partnership process of equality, liberating creativity It’s about team work, and co-authoring will get us there. First step has been to design collectively Then to get course outlines up to standard This year, significant input from across the globe with quality course designs The problem with this approach is when a school heads off in a strange direction what influence do you have. Collaboration

25 » Check out the » » Never perfect, under constant revision. Access Resources Anywhere

26 What’s Your Message? MATUL Commission 2013

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