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The Psychology of Parenting (♥ or </3)

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1 The Psychology of Parenting (♥ or </3)
By: Kayley Morphet And Carey Burnett

2 Four Types of Parenting
Authoritarian Parenting Strict rules Harsh punishments No explanation for rules (“Because I said so.”) Very high level of achievement and status, but low responsiveness Obedience- and status-oriented Expect orders to be obeyed Low on love, affection and nurturing.

3 Four Types of Parenting
Authoritative Parenting Rules and guidelines established Responsive, democratic – listen to questions Nurturing and forgiving, not punishing Assertive, without being intrusive or restrictive Supportive, not punitive Want their children to be assertive, socially responsible, self-regulated, and cooperative

4 Four Types of Parenting
Permissive Parenting Very few demands Rarely discipline child Low standards for maturity and self-control Non-traditional, lenient, avoid confrontation Nurturing and communicative Take status of friend rather than parent

5 Four Types of Parenting
Uninvolved/Neglectful Parenting Few demands Low responsiveness Little communication Fulfill basic needs of child, but are otherwise detached or generally not involved In extreme cases, might reject or neglect child No limits, no support Unresponsive and undemanding toward the child. Lack of emotional involvement and supervision of children. Parents are usually struggling to manage their own neglected childhoods; they are lacking personal, financial and supportive help for themselves, often the result of their own tragic childhood.

6 Influence of Parenting Styles on Child
Authoritarian parenting: Pros: Obedient, proficient Cons: Low self-esteem, unhappy, trouble socializing, withdrawn, moody, fearful of new situations

7 Influence of Parenting Styles on Child
Authoritative parenting: Pros: high self esteem, socially confident, inquisitive, self-assured, self-reliant, high respect for authority Cons: N/A

8 Influence of Parenting Styles on Child
Permissive parenting: Pros: more creative Cons: behaviorally and verbally impulsive, aggressive, trouble dealing with imposed limits, believe their parents don’t care about them or their behavior

9 Influence of Parenting Styles on Child
Uninvolved/Neglectful parenting: Pros: N/A Cons: deviant behavior, occurrences of drug and alcohol use extremely high

10 Uninvolved/ Neglectful
High Responsiveness Low Responsiveness High Demands Authoritative Authoritarian Low Demands Permissive Uninvolved/ Neglectful

11 Discussion Questions Do you think the way a parent raises their child will affect the way that child will raise his or her future children? How? Do you feel that the beliefs of the parents will influence those of the child? Why do you believe children or adolescents rebel?

12 ♥Works Cited♥ Horner, Becky. "How Do Parenting Styles Affect
Adolescents?." Adolescence: Change and Continuity. 8 Dec 2008 < Van Wagner, Kendra. "Parenting Styles - The Four Styles of Parenting." 5 Dec 2008 < Bradley, Nicki. “Authoritarian Parenting: An Overview.” 17 Feb :45 AM < an-overview> Dorthey Corkille Briggs. Your Child’s Self Esteem-The key to his life. Harper and Row Uninvolved Parenting Style. parenting-style.html. <

13 The End

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