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The 8 Features of Civilization

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1 The 8 Features of Civilization

2 Feature Number 1: Cities
A better understanding of Farming led to people being able to live together in larger groups These early cities, and many modern cities needed to be close to a fresh water supply The growth of large cities meant that more people were interacting, which would lead to greater advancement of ideas

3 Examples London Paris Cairo Tokyo Beijing Mexico City Rome Athens
Memphis Delhi Babylon Jerusalem

4 Feature Number 2: Organized Governments
With people living together, problems arose that needed to be fixed Governments collected taxes to pay for projects that would benefit the city They also made laws to provide order and safety

5 Examples Cuba (Communism) Great Britain (Constitutional Monarchy)
Roman Empire (Emperor, Senate) Canada (Democracy)

6 Feature Number 3: Religions
Religions provided people with answers to questions like “Where did I come from” They also gave people a system of values and belief

7 Examples Christianity Buddhism Judaism Islam

8 Feature Number 4: Job Specialization
In cities people began to focus on one profession Because of this their skills became more refined People no longer had to rely on themselves for everything they needed

9 Examples Chef Doctor Teacher Sanitation Worker Scribe Warrior Artist

10 Feature Number 5: Social Classes
With Job Specialization, Social Classes began to emerge Depending on how important or skilled a persons job made them more or less important or valued in a society

11 Examples Upper Class (Wealthy) Middle Class (Doing Okay)
Lower Class (Struggling to get by)

12 Feature Number 6: Arts and Architecture
Buildings and artwork that expressed the values and beliefs of a culture

13 Examples Eiffel Tower Pyramids The Coliseum The Great Wall of China
Cathedral of Notre Dame

14 Feature Number 7: Public Works
Government Projects that benefited the people of a city

15 Examples Building Roads Bridges Water Treatment Plants Sewer Systems

16 Feature Number 8: Writing
Kept records of a civilization Used to communicate over distances Not everyone was literate, usually only scribes could read and write

17 Examples Pictograms Hieroglyphics Spanish Latin Cuneiform

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