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2 LIPIDS Lipids are biological macromolecules made of carbon , hydrogen and oxygen atoms.

3 LIPIDS Lipids are insoluble in polar solvents (water)
Lipids are soluble in the non-polar solvents (benzene and carbon tetrachloride)

4 LIPIDS Structure Lipids are made of 3 fatty acids and glycerol.
Glycerol is an alcohol containing 3 hydroxyl groups (OH) .

5 LIPIDS Structure Lipids are made of 3 fatty acids and glycerol.
Glycerol is an alcohol containing 3 hydroxyl groups (OH) .

6 LIPIDS Importance 1.Store Energy
The body does not begin to get the energy from the fats stored in it, only in case of the absence of carbohydrates.

7 LIPIDS 1. Store Energy Importance
The energy obtained from lipids is more than the energy obtained from some amount of carbohydrates

8 LIPIDS 1. Store Energy Importance
Eating 1 gram of carbohydrate provides your body with 4 Calories. Eating 1 gram of fat provides your body with 9 Calories. (more than twice)

9 LIPIDS 2. Build cells Importance Lipids represent about 5% of the
Organic materials structure. cell membrane:(Phospholipids)

10 LIPIDS 3. Insulator Importance
Lipids work as thermal insulator in animals and humans.

11 LIPIDS 3. Insulator Importance
Lipids work as thermal insulator in animals and humans.

12 Importance LIPIDS Give reason for:
some animals can maintain their temperature in severely cold places.

13 Importance LIPIDS Give reason for:
some animals can maintain their temperature in severely cold places. Because lipids are stored under their skin as they work as a thermal insulator in animals and humans.

14 LIPIDS 4. Protective cover Importance
for the surfaces of several plants and animals

15 LIPIDS 5. Hormones Importance
some of them can work as hormones as steroids

16 Classification: Lipids Simple lipids Complex lipids Derivative lipids

17 Classification: Lipids Simple lipids Complex lipids Derivative lipids

18 reaction of fatty acids with alcohols
Classification: reaction of fatty acids with alcohols Simple Lipids oils fats waxes

19 reaction of fatty acids with alcohols
Classification: reaction of fatty acids with alcohols Simple Lipids oils fats waxes

20 Simple Lipids : A- OILS : Liquid fats formed by reaction of unsaturated fatty acid with glycerol

21 Simple Lipids : A- OILS : Ex: Liquid fats covering the feathers of water birds to prevent water penetration into their bodies

22 reaction of fatty acids with alcohols
Classification: reaction of fatty acids with alcohols Simple Lipids oils fats waxes

23 B- FATS : solid substance formed by the reaction of saturated fatty acids with glycerol

24 reaction of fatty acids with alcohols
Classification: reaction of fatty acids with alcohols Simple Lipids oils fats waxes

25 C- WAXES : they are made by the reaction of high molecular weight fatty acids with monohydric alcohols

26 C- WAXES :For example, the waxes covering the desert plant leaves to reduce water loss during the transpiration

27 Classification: Lipids Simple lipids Complex lipids Derivative lipids

28 Complex lipids : Hydrogen, carbon and oxygen are involved in the structure of complex lipids, in addition to phosphorus and sulphur as in phospholipids

29 Complex lipids : Phospholipids : They are present in cell membranes of animals and plants.

30 Complex lipids : Phospholipids : They are similar to fat molecules in the structure except for the phosphate group PO4-- which replaces the third fatty acid.

31 Classification: Lipids Simple lipids Complex lipids Derivative lipids

32 Derivative Lipids : They are lipids derived from both simple and complex lipids by hydrolysis . such as cholesterol and some hormones Steroids

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