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5th Grade News Important Dates Don’t Forget! Canes’ Code

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1 5th Grade News Important Dates Don’t Forget! Canes’ Code
August 11th- Newcomer’s Breakfast August 15th- Coffee and Conversations 9am August 19th- Orffestra Auditions Aug 21st- Solar Eclipse (Extended School day by 45 min.) August 25th- Fall Pictures Don’t Forget! Please return all paperwork and forms as soon as possible. Check your child’s agenda each night for updates and homework. Students will need to have all supplies this week. Canes’ Code I will: C- Commit to Excellence O- Own my Behavior D- Demonstrate Respect E- Exhibit a positive Attitude *The Canes’ Code is used to remind students of our school expectations. A Note from the Teacher We have had a great start to the year! We truly have the best students here at CES and I know we will have a wonderful fifth grade year. It was such a pleasure to meet you all at Open House and I look forward to working with you throughout the year. Cartersville Elementary

2 Respect 5th Grade News Math CES Character Word: Writing
Students will focus on these conventions this month: *Writing complete sentences with appropriate capitalization and punctuation. (including titles and commas) Simple, compound, and complex sentences Using commas in compound sentences Writing Skills: Use an organizer to gather ideas Write a summary Include topic and closing sentences Write a narrative to develop real or imagined experiences using details and clear event sequences.  Reading Strategies Students will focus on these specific strategies as they read this month. *Questioning *Making Inferences *Visualization *Summarizing Reading Skills: *Students will be comparing and contrasting characters, settings, and events in a story using details and examples from the text. *Annotating during reading about character interactions, physical descriptions, and character traits. Math This month, students will: *understand that the location of a digit in decimal numbers determines the value of the digit. *Read, write, and compare decimals to the thousandths. *Round decimals to the hundredths place *Add and subtract decimals Science Social Studies Life Science *Observe cells and Structure *identify parts of plants and animal cells *Compare multi-celled and single-celled organisms *Explain beneficial and harmful organisms. *Citizens’ rights and responsibilities *The amendment process *Sectors of the economy *Consumers and producers in the economy CES Character Word: Respect

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