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Warm Up Create an association triangle for the following terms…

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Create an association triangle for the following terms…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Create an association triangle for the following terms…
1. McCarthyism, Communism, Red Scare 2. Iron Curtain, Marshall Plan, Berlin Airlift 3. Nuclear Power, Duck and Cover Drills, Cold War

2 Eisenhower’s Cold War Policies 15-4

3 Eisenhower Takes Office
Truman decided not to run for a second term 1953 Dwight D. Eisenhower takes office Won in a landslide victory A hero from WWII

4 “More Bang for the Buck”
Eisenhower believed in a strong economy We must show the world capitalist success! All out war was too expensive- pushed for development of more atomic weapons Massive Retaliation- The threat to use nuclear weapons Bang for the buck Cut spending by almost $20 billion

5 Brinkmanship Brinkmanship- the willingness to go to the brink of war to force the other side to back down Eisenhower felt you had to take risks for peace and be willing to back down opponent

6 Please Do Now! You are an advisor to President Eisenhower. What is your stance on Brinkmanship? Do you support it or are you against it? You must persuade him one way or another. One paragraph (minimum 5 sentences)

7 The End of the Korean War
Eisenhower went to Korea and saw how bad the situation was Vowed to end war He secretly told China that we would continue the war on our own terms Brinkmanship The policy worked

8 Death of Stalin March 5, 1953 Stalin dies of a massive stoke in his bedroom Poisoned? Conspiracy???

9 Nikita Khrushchev Soon after Stalin’s death, Khrushchev takes control of the Soviet Union He begins a process called De-Stalinization. Taking down monuments Denouncing his ways

10 Eisenhower Doctrine Eisenhower asked Congress for the U.S. to help any nation in the middle East in the fight against Communism Basically extended the Truman Doctrine into the middle East

11 Space Race Sputnik- first Satellite launched into orbit by Soviets
U.S. responded with the Explorer launch a few years later I

12 Spy Plane Shot Down The Soviet Union shot down a U.S. spy plane called a U-2 Eisenhower denied that this existed until they produced a pilot Francis Garry Powers Relations were beginning to improve until this incident

13 Eisenhower Era Comes to an End
He was disappointed that his terms ended without much of a change between the U.S.-Soviet relationship Communism still existed and did not seem to be going anywhere, anytime soon!

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