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Vocab Unit 9 Jeopardy Eng 2

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Presentation on theme: "Vocab Unit 9 Jeopardy Eng 2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocab Unit 9 Jeopardy Eng 2

2 Definitions 1 Synonyms Definitions 2 Antonyms Complete the Sentence 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

3 Done for show, striving to make a big impression
Definitions Points Done for show, striving to make a big impression

4 Definitions Points pretentious

5 Inactive, sluggish, dull
Definitions Points Inactive, sluggish, dull

6 Definitions Points torpid

7 Definitions Points Extreme poverty

8 Definitions Points penury

9 Praise or flattery that is excessive
Definitions Points Praise or flattery that is excessive

10 Definitions Points adulation

11 A greedy desire, particulary for wealth
Definitions Points A greedy desire, particulary for wealth

12 Definitions Points avarice

13 Gave pretentious speeches
Synonyms 100 Points Gave pretentious speeches

14 Synonyms 100 Points inflated

15 Grouped with the novices
Synonyms 200 Points Grouped with the novices

16 Synonyms 200 Points apprentices

17 To relieve their penury
Synonyms 300 Points To relieve their penury

18 Synonyms 300 Points destitution

19 Synonyms 400 Points Nebulous in form

20 Synonyms 400 Points murky

21 Irresolute about taking the trip
Synonyms 500 Points Irresolute about taking the trip

22 Synonyms 500 Points vacillating

23 Shrewd, crafty, showing practical wisdom
Definitions Points Shrewd, crafty, showing practical wisdom

24 Definitions Points astute

25 Vanishing, soon passing away
Definitions Points Vanishing, soon passing away

26 Definitions Points evanescent

27 Unable to make up one’s mind, hesitating
Definitions Points Unable to make up one’s mind, hesitating

28 Definitions Points irresolute

29 Conspicuous, standing out from the mass
Definitions 400 Points Conspicuous, standing out from the mass

30 Definitions Points egregious

31 Definitions Points Not on time, not prompt

32 Definition Points dilatory

33 So, what is the opposite of that?
Antonym 100 Points Offering her astute interpretation What does astute mean? So, what is the opposite of that?

34 Antonym 100 Points Empty-headed

35 Delivered a stern anathema
Antonym 200 Points Delivered a stern anathema What is the opposite meaning of anathema?

36 Antonym Points benediction

37 Admitted to being culpable
Antonym Points Admitted to being culpable What is the opposite meaning of culpable?

38 Antonym 300 Points blameless

39 What is the opposite of abated?
Antonym 400 Points As her anxiety abated What is the opposite of abated?

40 Antonym 400 Points increased

41 Embarrassed by the adulation
Antonym 500 Points Embarrassed by the adulation What is the opposite of adulation?

42 Antonym 500 Points ridicule

43 Complete Sentence 100 Points
Bears and other animals that hibernate for months each year become _____ over the long winter.

44 Definitions Points torpid

45 Complete Sentence 200 Points
The experience of childhood is _____, but memories of those years can influence a person’s life forever.

46 Complete Sentence 200 Points

47 Complete Sentence 300 Points
England and Germany engaged in intermittent and _____ negotiations at the beginning of the twentieth century, but were never able to reach an alliance.

48 Complete Sentence 300 Points

49 Complete Sentence 400 Points
It was an____ lapse in judgment to ignore the safety guidelines, allowing so many passengers to squeeze onto the already overcrowded ferry. (what is the first letter of a word is going to follow “an”?)

50 Complete Sentence 400 Points
A vowel! egregious

51 Complete Sentence 500 Points
Major traits of dementia, the progressive decline of normal intellectual functions, include memory loss, confusion, apathy, impaired judgment, and _____ appearance. (Hint: how would someone look if he/she is experiencing all of those symptoms?)

52 Complete Sentence 500 Points

53 Please study for your test.

54 The Daily Double

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