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your foundation for success

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1 your foundation for success
Karin Randolph, MSN, RN Student Navigator- Nursing Instructor NWCC Division of Nursing

2 You are in charge of your own destiny!
Ms. Randolph’s top ten success strategies…

3 #1:Get Organized All supplies ready and available-pens, pencils, highlighters, notecards. Notes all in one place- use folders, notebooks, keep in order of lectures. Use a calendar. Plan EVERY minute of your day. Keep it visible for others. DO NOT focus on next week. Focus on 1 day at a time-1 week at a time. Make a “to-do” list for the day. Check off what you accomplish. Don’t skip classes-you’ll be behind-huge stressor. Be ready to go for the next day-time is of the essence. It’s OK to be a little OCD in nursing school!

4 #2: Make a plan to study every day
Take good notes. Record your lectures. Listen to your lecture as soon as you can after class and “fill in” your notes. Listen for details or hints. Use the “Triage” method: Divide your notes into 3 sections: the easy/stuff, the not so easy/stuff and the tough/stuff. Read over the easy and put aside. Spend your time accordingly on the other 2 sections. Make note cards. Keep these with you at all times- even at clinical! If you are an auditory learner, listen over and over to lectures. If you like to read and write, answering the objectives in the syllabus for each lecture might be helpful. **********Plan to study about 3-4 hours every day on THAT day’s lecture. **********

5 #3: Pretend you have a test every Monday.
“Pretend” you have an exam every Monday on your nursing lectures. Monday and Wednesday afternoons should be spent organizing, triaging, and studying those really hard parts of that day’s lectures. Go back to the book and reread sections you have questions about in your notes and study those note cards that you made on the harder sections. If you still have questions, ask someone. There are always teachers around or ask your clinical teacher. Use Prep U as your new social media friends- do quizzes as much as you can. The more you do, the better you get! Review everything for the week during the weekend. Guess what? You have just prepared for your real exam by breaking down the material into sections.

6 #4 Use prep u- we are not kidding here!
Statistics show that those who consistently use Prep U do much better: Fall 2014 semester- 13 people failed at the end of the course- half of those never logged in to Prep-U and the others never utilized it to its capacity. Spring 2015-only 7 failed at the end of semester and these also had poor Prep U stats. Prep U can be used also on your phone’s browser- so use your time wisely! Instead of social media, load a quick 10 questions!

7 #5: Choose your study group carefully
Study groups are great if all are focused and doing well. If you are studying with less serious students or those who might be leaning on you to carry them through school , you need to change groups. It’s great to help your fellow student, but do not let them monopolize your own study schedule. Be a little selfish here!

8 #6: Nursing school is your job
Your future depends on your success! Your nursing school job hours are: 8-5:30 Monday through Friday with weekend coverage! Clinical days are longer! Tell your families and friends this information! They need to know so they can support you! Are you working full time at another job while going to school? It is a good idea to scale down hours or even stop working.

9 #7 find a mentor Make sure you have someone who you can turn to for advice- who understands what you are going through and who can support you. Good examples: a previous nursing student, an instructor, a close friend or family member And… your student navigator!

10 #8 find a friend Find someone in your class that you can connect with, your “person”, who will walk with you arm in arm to your pinning ceremony!

11 #9 Take care of yourself Remember…It’s the little things… Stay on a schedule. Get sleep (you’ll get less, but you will get used to it!). Eat regularly. Your brain needs the fuel. Always keep a snack and water with you. Take quick study breaks-exercise and get some fresh air. Quiet time- a few minutes each day helps! Remember to touch base with the important people in your life. Ask for “life” help when you need it (errands, childcare, etc.). Forgive your mistakes and move on! Do something fun every now and again! Don’t be afraid to ask for help-we want you to be successful! Be proud of every little accomplish-they lead to bigger things!

12 #10 Focus on your goal-You can do this!
There’s a light at the end of the tunnel! This is a just a SEASON in your life. Focus on this!

13 Come see me! Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8-3, Tuesday and Thursday’s when clinical groups are not in session. Room 103 Phone

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