ITER-CERN Workshop CERN EN/EL Installation contract policy 17 January 2017 Serge OLIGER On behalf of the Electrical Engineering Group (EN-EL) at CERN.

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Presentation on theme: "ITER-CERN Workshop CERN EN/EL Installation contract policy 17 January 2017 Serge OLIGER On behalf of the Electrical Engineering Group (EN-EL) at CERN."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITER-CERN Workshop CERN EN/EL Installation contract policy 17 January 2017
Serge OLIGER On behalf of the Electrical Engineering Group (EN-EL) at CERN

2 Electrical installation activities
Consist in: EL Power distribution cabling Signal cabling Optical Fibre installations Constraints: To face with a large number of work requests Small, different and requiring specialised qualifications Security, Quality, Time (planning) During Long Shutdow (LS) periods (e.g ) Requests from 50 user groups > 50 MCHF in 5000 orders (median = 2000 CHF) Need for: Strong group organisation Industrial support contracts Standardized way to Elaborate Invitations to Tender Manage contracts With regard to cabling activities, the group has the following constraints. 52 MCHF is the financial executed (paid) volume (Work + Material) of 4740 orders launched in C202, C209, C210, E094B. Average=10967 CHF, Median=2040 Jan 17, 2017 ITER-CERN workshop - Serge Oliger

3 EN/EL Industrial support contracts
New contracts LS1 RUN2 LS2 Copper cabling Nb contracts 3 1 2 Fibre cabling Issues 1 Abnormally Low Tender Fixed charges paid several times 4 different contractors => Complicated management for CERN Too low a volume Prices considered too high by users Same company => No competition Jan 17, 2017 ITER-CERN workshop - Serge Oliger

4 ITER-CERN workshop - Serge Oliger
Contract Policy 1/2 The aim Sustainable contracts Fair prices for the users & Profitable to the contractors The policy Frame contracts Price list (Work “paid on time spent” exceptionally allowed) Viable prices for small jobs Discounts / compensations according to volume During run periods: One contract per technology (1 EL + 1 Fibres). The reasons: Insufficient volume during run Fixed charges are paid once Less resources needed to manage Invitation to Tender tailored to LS Built to authorise a second contractor to face LS Each contractor should be capable to face the whole activity Contract specifications are built according to needs. Harch test fields are performed to ensure quality, adjudication is done on Best Value For Money. Prices are offered by the bidders, CERN rules are followed, then the users complain about the prices… Jan 17, 2017 ITER-CERN workshop - Serge Oliger

5 ITER-CERN workshop - Serge Oliger
Contract Policy 2/2 The method Contract specifications are built according to needs Bidders’ conference Explain the CERN specificities & installations Strong fight against Abnormally Low Tendering (ALT) Harsh on-site tests are carried out to eliminate poor quality Prices are offered by the bidders Negotiations to ensure coherence of the prices Adjudication is done on Best Value For Money CERN rules are followed Contract specifications are built according to needs. Harsh test fields are performed to ensure quality, adjudication is done on Best Value For Money. Prices are offered by the bidders, CERN rules are followed, then the users complain about the prices… And then… Jan 17, 2017 ITER-CERN workshop - Serge Oliger

6 Special provisions to cope with a variable load
In each contract a dedicated service requires to: Adapt the means according to peaks of activity Provide specialised personnel on short notice Provide complete specialised teams on steep ramp-up for LS Ensure personnel turnover for work in radiation controlled areas Train newcomers from scratch Reinforce the managerial staff Geographical factors to compensate Co-activity with other trades Hindrances due to high-tech environments packed with fragile and expensive equipment (tunnels and experimental areas) Provide specialised personnel on short notice 1 wk for technical stops, 4 wk for mid period stops, 8 wk during LS Steep ramp-up: LHC: 120 FTE over 8 months; Ls1: 200 FTE over 3.5 months Jan 17, 2017 ITER-CERN workshop - Serge Oliger

7 EN/EL / Contractor interface
Technical Manager Support Financial aspects Study office DB support Stores manager Quality Technical specialists Optical fibre Coordinator Cabling Coordinator Site & Rad. Safety Project and Job managers Work supervisors Qty surveyor Contract Contract Manager Design study manager Respon. For DB support Respon. for CERN stores Quality Activity planner & Coordinator PCR & Safety linkman Site Work Managers (CTP) managers Qty surveyor CTP IT TPA EL Cabling EN/EL Some functions of the contract structure (Contract manager, resp for CERN stores, Activity planner & coordinator) are imposed with a minimum number of FTE (1 FTE corresponds to 1830 h/y preponderance in France: Personnel is replaced during his hollidays) Jan 17, 2017 ITER-CERN workshop - Serge Oliger

8 Services included (EN/EL & Contracts)
Studies Estimates, technical documentation, Definition of cables in Database, grouping in campaigns 3D Integration (cable trays & functional positions) CERN EN/EL store logistics and follow up Supply of cables and connectors Installation Work site follow up Weekly and As-built Data base follow-up Database updates (cablotheque, equipment, work sheets, work completion, CERN stock issues) Bills of Quantities, Invoices Administration Orders, jobs, Warning notes & Penalties Monthly statements, Disputes EN/EL information system

9 ITER-CERN workshop - Serge Oliger
Tools Strong contractual documents In addition to finance department standard documents Technical specification, General requirements, Quality Assurance Plan Treatment of Non Conformities Warning notes, Penalties EN/EL information system Based on ORACLE RDBMS Interfaced with EDH/Qualiac, EDMS, CDD, GIS, CMMS A module for each step of the business process Invitation to Tender & Contract definition for discounts, price revisions, geographical zones Work requests, Orders, Jobs, Catalog of items, Estimates, Bills of quantities, Down payments, Statements (CTRL of invoicing) Equipment, Cablotheque, Work, CERN material follow up EDMS=Engineering Data Management System CDD= CERN Drawing Directory GIS= Geographical Information System CMMS= Computer aided Maintenance Management System Jan 17, 2017 ITER-CERN workshop - Serge Oliger

10 EN/EL information system (GESMAR)
EDMS CDD Foundation Power Factory Infor EAM EDH QUALIAC GIS System Cablothèque Equipment Invitation to tender Contract Work on time spent EL stores Users 160 Functions 385 Rights Cables 500’000 C. Trays 16’000 Drums 2’000 Connectors 40’000 Transactions 340’000 Functional positions 800’000 Documents Items DT, OSVC, Jobs 265’000 Item + prices 170’000 Estimates Bills of Qty Statements Work sheets 21’000 Weekly reports 30’000 Tables, views 450 Functions Jan 17, 2017 ITER-CERN workshop - Serge Oliger

11 Added values of our method
Contract engineering IT, Contract definition, Studies, work supervision,… Detailed contract item follow up Material management & follow up (cables, connectors) Payment follows installation Down payments driven by EN/EL Information System Penalties if bill of qty > 30 days A documented network & infrastructure Cablothèque 3D layouts of cable trays and functional positions A competency in various trades Qty surveyor, 3D Catia designer, Logistics, connector specialists,... Material management (cables, connectors, …) module in EN/EL Information System Entries, Movements, Issues Each issue according to job and cable Trace of thefts, scraps, damage Since 2001 any single meter of cable in our store is traced. Can easily be shown. Jan 17, 2017 ITER-CERN workshop - Serge Oliger

12 ITER-CERN workshop - Serge Oliger
ANY QUESTIONS ? ITER-CERN workshop - Serge Oliger

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