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The Early Church World History I.

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1 The Early Church World History I


3 Christianity Spreads Several factors helped Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire. Roads made travel easy. Most people spoke Latin or Greek, making communication easier. Christianity had an attractive message. Provided comfort to those living in difficulty. Promise of a better afterlife for those who have a bad life. It became very popular with slaves, plebeians, and women.

4 Roman Persecution Many Romans viewed the Christians as harmful since they refused to worship state gods and Emperors. Rome began persecuting (harassing) Christians under Nero, who blamed Christians for a fire that destroyed much of Rome. Christianity was outlawed. Christians were arrested, beaten, and sometimes killed for their beliefs. Some became martyrs, people willing to die rather than give up their beliefs.


6 The Empire Accepts Christianity
Christianity became more organized and continued to spread throughout Rome. People of all classes began practicing Christianity and persecution of Christians diminished. In A.D. 312, Constantine became the first Christian emperor. He issued the Edict of Milan, making it legal to be a Christian. Theodosius banned Greek and Roman religions. In A.D. 392, Christianity became the official Roman religion.

7 Organizing the Church As Christianity grew, the church had to become more organized to unite its followers. The early church was led by church officials known as clergy. By A.D. 300, the church became more organized. People began to refer to the Bishop of Rome as the pope. Latin speaking churches accepted the pope’s authority over all churches, while Greek-speaking churches would not accept this authority.

8 Critical Thinking Why did the church have to become more organized as it grew and developed?

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