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What Makes Me A Christian?

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1 What Makes Me A Christian?
12:13 Series -- Winter 2008

2 How Much Do You Remember?

3 Matching Definitions Adoption Conversion Regeneration Sanctification
Justification Election A work of God and man Members of God’s family Legally declared righteous Chosen before world began Born again Turn from sin, trust Jesus

4 Introduction A Christian is someone who A.) Lives a certain way B.) Talks a certain way C.) Looks a certain way Salvation is A.) From God B.) By Christ C.) Through Faith D.) All of the above If the gospel is seed, our hearts are the A.) Sun B.)Rain C.) Soil

5 Election Salvation begins with A.) Our choice of God B.) God’s choice of us C.) Our parents’ choice of a church When does God decide to save us? A.) Before birth B.) Before Christ died C.) Before the world began God writes the names of believers in A.) Book of Revelation B.)Book of Life C.) Book of the Law

6 The Gospel We should submit to God because A.) He made us B.) He made the world C.) He is loving D.) All of the above What is mankind’s greatest problem? A.) Sickness B.) Rebellion against God C.) War against others D.) Crime What is God’s solution to our problem? A.) Jesus B.) The church C.) A loving family D.) Heaven

7 Regeneration Who is responsible for regeneration? A.) Parents B.) Pastors C.) God D.) Me What is our spiritual condition before regeneration? A.) Dead B.) Ignorant C.) Confused D.) Eager How long does regeneration take? A.) A lifetime B.) An instant C.) Different times for different people

8 Conversion The “conversion equation” is A.) Faith + Works B.)Peace + Joy C.) Repentance + Faith Which is essential for conversion? A.) Know the Bible B.) Believe in God C.) Turn from sin Which of these would best show that someone had truly been converted? A.) A new Bible B.) A changed life C.) Faithful church attendance

9 Justification Justification reminds us that God is A.) Judge B.) King C.) Father D.) Warrior If God just excused our sin he would be A.) Unwise B.) Unmerciful C.) Unjust What is God’s verdict against Christians? A.) Not worthy! B.) Not guilty! C.) Not ready!

10 Adoption Adoption takes us from courtroom to A.) Bathroom B.) Dining Room C.) Family Room Which word speaks of God as Father? A.) Jehovah B.) Abba C.) Messiah Why do true Christians act like God? A.) We want to B.) The angels help us C.) We have God’s DNA

11 Sanctification Who has primary responsibility for my sanctification? A.) Pastors B.) God C.) Me Sanctification involves putting off my A.) Sin B.) Faith C.) Dirty clothes Which of these best describes the goal of sanctification? A.) Earn God’s love B.) Grow wise C.) Become more like Jesus

12 Spiritual Disciplines
The Bible says, “Train yourself for…” A.) Gentleness B.) Kindness C.) Godliness Spiritual disciplines are ____ for the soul A.) Medicines B.) Exercises C.) Punishments Which will help strengthen your faith? A.) Pray B.) Talk with parents C.) Read the Bible D.) All of the above

13 Salvation Sequence Before Conversion Election, Gospel At Conversion
Regeneration, Conversion, Justification, Adoption After Conversion Sanctification, Spiritual Disciplines

14 Salvation Timeline: Where Am I?

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