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Social Media Boot Camp Introduction to Twitter Slide 1

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1 Social Media Boot Camp Introduction to Twitter Slide 1
Hello and welcome to IPG’s Social Media Boot Camp – Twitter Edition!

2 February: Twitter OVERVIEW March: Facebook April: Instagram May:
Pinterest June: Blogging July: Recap Slide 2 For the month of February, IPG Social Media Boot Camp will be focusing on Twitter – how to get started, craft goals, create content, and analyze your results.

3 SURVEY SAYS… Most of you want to learn how to: Schedule posts
Add value to the conversation Generate shareable content and inspire more engagement Expand reach Drive sales Gain followers Maintain interest Use Promoted Posts on Twitter Engage on Twitter Slide 3 According to the survey you all filled out, most of you want to learn how to: Schedule posts Add value to the conversation Generate content and inspire more engagement Expand reach Drive sales Gain followers Maintain interest Use promoted posts on twitter And engage on Twitter

4 BRIEF OVERVIEW: Set Up Twitter
Create your handle: A “handle” is the name that comes after which allows users to tag you in posts. Be consistent with your other social media accounts Use the name of your business Don’t use punctuation, special characters, spaces, etc. Company Name Handle Slide 4 First, let’s begin with a brief overview on setting up a Twitter profile A handle is the name that comes after the symbol, which allows users to tag you in their posts When creating your Name and Handle on Twitter, try to stay consistent with your business name and other social media accounts. If your name is too long or taken, try shortening it. For example, using “Pub” instead of “Publishing” Short description

5 FIND YOUR VOICE Decide what your voice will be: Take a Tour
Pop Culture/Satire – Melville House: Informative/Fun – Penguin Kids: Conversational – Fountain Bookstore Bookshelfie – Parnassus Books Take a Tour Follow other publishers, booksellers, librarians, and industry tastemakers. See what the trending topics are. Get to know your unique audience on Twitter. Slide 5 Find your Voice Once you have a profile, you can begin to craft your voice and message. Each social media account has its own unique voice. Twitter tends to be concise, witty, and topical. Take a tour: Follow other publishers, booksellers, librarians, and industry tastemakers. See what the trending topics are. Get to know your unique audience. For example: Melville House embraces internet culture whereas Fountain Bookstore is conversational. Experiment with your voice and find one that fits your message.

6 CREATING CONTENT Add value to the conversation
Make sure your tweets stand out from the crowd; more than 6,000 tweets sent out every second! (Sprout Social) Generate shareable content and inspire more engagement Create catch-y headlines! Utilize your copywriting skills. The 4-U’s: useful, urgency, unique, ultra-specific (Sprout Social). Reposting the same tweet is okay! Slide 6 When creating content, you want to strive for adding value to the conversation. There are 6,000 tweets sent out every second. Make sure your tweets stand out from the crowd! Generate shareable content Create catch-y posts. Twitter’s 140 character limit makes each post a headline. Make sure yours makes the front page! Sprout Social reminds us to keep in mind the 4 – U’s: useful, urgent, unique, and ultra-specific. Remember: reposting the same tweet is okay! If you have a giveaway or a limited time offer, it’s okay to repost the same tweet twice a day or days in a row. Just make sure you have quality posts being scheduled in between.

7 DEVELOP A SCHEDULE When’s the best time to post on Twitter?
According to Buffer Social, the best time to post on Twitter is 12-1:00 p.m. and during commuting hours, 7-9 a.m. & 5-7 p.m. B2B: Best time to tweet is during the workweeks. B2C: Best time to tweet is during the weekends. ( Establish your routine IPG recommends you use TweetDeck for all tweet scheduling needs. Keep it consistent Don’t stray too far from your message or voice Slide 7 You may be surprised, but running social media accounts can be time consuming! Make sure you develop a schedule that works for you. According to Buffer Social, the best time to post on Twitter is 12-1:00 p.m. and during commuting hours, like 7-9 a.m. & 5-7 p.m. For B2B the best time to tweet is during the workweeks. For B2C the best time to tweet is during the weekends. Once you establish a routine for yourself, you can spend as little as 15 mins a day on Twitter, but don’t forget to check throughout the day. Twitter is in real time and reactionary. Create a checklist of daily activities. IPG recommends you use TweetDeck for all tweet scheduling, instead of HootSuite or Buffer. Don’t fall into the trap of automation. Each social media platform has a unique voice, the manual tools will pay off in the end. Keep it consistent. Don’t stray from your goals and voice. Be mindful of current events; make sure you don’t schedule a post that would be inappropriate for a certain day or event. Remember what you schedule and adapt accordingly to changing trends and news.

8 GROW YOUR FOLLOWING Be thoughtful and selective about who you follow
Follow your target audiences or those you want to follow you. Use the trending or popular hashtags in your tweets Maintain interest Keep it consistent. Don’t stray from the messages people followed you for. Live tweet book events and conferences Tag the organization and use the event hashtag (#IPGSummit17) Watch trending conversations to see how you might contribute a valuable comment to the bigger discussion Slide 8 So you want to grow your following? Here are some important tips and tricks: Be thoughtful and selective about who you follow Follow your target audiences or those you want to follow you. Use the trending or popular hashtags in your tweets Those following the trending hashtags will be better able to see your content, like, retweet, and follow you! Maintain interest Keep it consistent. Don’t stray from the messages people followed you for. Live tweet book events and conferences Tag the organization and use the event hashtag (#IPGSummit17) Watch trending conversations to see how you might contribute a valuable comment to the bigger discussion Jump in when its relevant to your message and encourage a valuable discussion

9 TRACK YOUR PROGRESS Get a baseline reading of where you are:
# of followers # of impressions Rate of engagement (# of likes, comments & shares / impressions) Amount of activity Acquaint yourself with Twitter Analytics Find what tweets are most receptive and expand creatively on that message. Slide 9 Check in with yourself every month. Get a baseline reading of where you are at that moment. Important stats to check on: Number of followers, number of impressions on top tweets, amount of activity on your profile, and the rate of engagement (which is the number of likes and retweets divided by the number of impressions). Acquaint yourself with Twitter’s Analytics tool by going to handle]/home Find what tweets were the most receptive and expand creatively on them for more engaging content. For example, we found that our followers most enjoyed hearing from our staff, so we developed a schedule of “Staff Picks” for our blog. Personalize your brand – users like to hear from real people. Find your voice and tweet like a person not a company Remember social media is fun!

IDENTIFY Successes based on your goals Staff Picks: Banned Books saw a lot of engagement with followers Areas for improvement #TravelTuesday could use a snappier message IMPLEMENT Replicate and build upon successful efforts Staff Picks for 2017 Discontinue strategies/content that aren’t working Add more to your tweet than a cover photo, title, and link Slide 10 Identify: Successes based on your goals Staff Picks: Banned Books saw a lot of engagement with followers Areas for improvement #TravelTuesday could use a snappier message Implement: Replicate and build upon successful efforts Staff Picks for 2017 Discontinue strategies/content that aren’t working Add more to your tweet than a cover photo, title, and link Now, images are no longer counted in the 140 character limit, opening up room for a larger message.

11 PAID PROMOTIONS Should I utilize Twitter’s Paid Promotions?
Experiment with your content and titles. Use $5-$20 paid promotions and find what posts work the best. IPG recommendation: Use paid promotions if your title has a direct tie-in to a popular/recent movie, TV show, cultural event, or pop culture. Slide 11 Paid Promotions depend on you, your budget, and your content. Experiment with your content and titles. Use $5-$20 paid promotions and find what posts work the best. IPG recommendation: Use paid promotions if your title has a direct tie-in to a popular/recent movie, TV show, cultural event, or pop culture.

Be mindful of timing with regard to current events Remember the tweets you have scheduled. Interact with followers Answer their questions. Let them know where to find your content. Remember that social media is a conversation, not a commercial Twitter users like real connections. Slide 12 Here are some Best Practices for Twitter Be mindful of timing with regard to current events Remember the tweets you have scheduled. Interact with followers Talk to them. Answer their questions. Let them know where to find your content. Remember that social media is a conversation, not a commercial Twitter users like real connections. Get your staff and colleagues involved – users want to hear from YOU Make Twitter a daily activity This platform moves quickly, so you need to make time rather than fit it in when you can. Develop a schedule and stick to it – post and schedule posts during this time Respond to users Like and retweet industry taste-makers Thank new followers Look at trending topics, incorporate them in your strategy Make sure twitter is integrated with other marketing efforts – social media and otherwise Tweet out link to mailing lists – offer incentive to sign up Coordinate posts with other platforms and adapt voice and message accordingly

When to on Twitter: When you are participating in a giveaway of your book When you receive a good review When you are at Author Events When you are at one of our events, or at trade shows with IPG When your Ebooks are on sale IPG tries hard to retweet every post we are tagged in. Don’t be discouraged if we don’t retweet your post at first. Send another and tag us again or reach out to us via Direct Message with a link to the tweet or Slide 13 Engage and expand your reach! We love to hear from you. When you are participating in a giveaway of your title When you receive a good review When you are at author events When you are at one of IPG’s events or at a trade show with us When your ebooks are on sale IPG tries hard to retweet every post we are tagged in. Don’t be discouraged if we don’t retweet your post at first. Send another and tag us again or reach out to us via Direct Message with a link to the tweet or

14 Submit any questions here
Slide 14 Have any questions? Our question form is always open! Sign up to receive alerts and let us know if we didn’t cover anything. We will answer your questions in our follow up webinar at the end of the month.

15 Tune in Every Wednesday
February is Twitter month! First week – Introduction Second & third week – supplemental articles and blog posts on Fourth week – Wrap-up webinar Slide 15 Thank you for joining us for this introductory segment on Twitter. Tune in Every Wednesday in February for more on this platform.

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