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Integrated English -3 Unit Three Sept. 2009.

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1 Integrated English -3 Unit Three Sept. 2009

2 Pre-text discussion Work in pairs
Discuss the following topics. Give key words. The importance of food to Chinese The characteristics of Chinese cuisine Select one topic and present orally to the class this Friday (G7)

3 Text structure What type of writing is the text? Argumentation
How many parts can we divide the text into? Three parts.

4 Structural analysis of the text (p.31)
Part I (Para. 1-4) The difference in Chinese and Western attitudes towards food Part II (Para. 5-6) The cause of the international success of Chinese food. Part III (Para. 7-9) The nature of Chinese food.

5 Text-based questions How does the writer begin his essay?
With a quotation. How does the writer move from one point to another? E.g. How is Part II linked to Part I? What is the topic sentence of each paragraph?

6 Para. 1 -Q Which sentence is the topic sentence?
In the life of an individual, how, according to Kenneth Lo, is food different from music, a lecture or conversation, or matters of business? How does Lo make his point clear? How important is food and eating, according to Lo?

7 Para. 1 –Question 1 1. Which sentence is the topic sentence?
Few things in life are as positive as food, or are taken as intimately and completely by the individual.

8 Para. 1 –Question 2 2. In the life of an individual, how, according to Kenneth Lo, is food different from music, a lecture or conversation, or matters of business? Music, a lecture … will never be integrated into one’s body or spiritual and moral fibre. One may not attend to them whole-heartedly (absent-minded; indifferent). Food requires our serious treatment, as it is going to be part of our bodies.

9 Para. 1 –Question 3 3. How does Lo make his point clear?
Rhetorical technique Comparison and contrast Two rhetorical questions

10 Para. 1 –Question 4 4. How important is food and eating, according to Lo? Food and eating determines not only one’s physical strength but also one’s spiritual and moral fibre and well-being. spiritual and moral fibre: psychological and moral formation; emotional strength to do what one believes to be right 人们怎能对觉得自己身体力量从而最终决定自己的精神、道德力量和健康的东西无动于衷呢?

11 Para. 1 -Voc attend to 关心;照料;护理; 注意,留意
His company helps employees attend to their elderly relatives. His self-blame gave her some hope that he would attend to her opinion.

12 (be) indifferent to -- Without interest or concern
She was utterly indifferent to his irritation. He is indifferent to praise or blame, about success or failure.

13 Para. 2 -Q What question does a Westerner find difficult to answer? Why? What is the Western attitude toward food?

14 Para. 2 –Q1 1. What question does a Westerner find difficult to answer? Why? Question: How can one remain indifferent to … To most Westerners, food is no more than something that satisfies their hunger. They could hardly see its moral effect.

15 Para. 2 –Q2 2. What is the Western attitude toward food?
…pretty indifferent to what goes into their stomachs. For them, food is quite simply a fuel. (fuel: material used to produce power; sth used to keep the body functioning)

16 Para. 2 Discussion Discuss: To live to eat or eat to live

17 Para. 2 –Paraphrase 1 Many people in the West are gourmets and others are gluttons… Paraphrase: Many westerners are experts in tasty food and many others are greedy eaters, but there are also a lot of people who obviously do not care about what they eat, and as a result, they do not think food can have any influence on their morality.

18 Para. 2 –Paraphrase 2 How, they might ask, could eating a hamburger… contribute anything to… Paraphrase: They may wonder how different food could help to influence a person’s character and make him become a holy person or a criminal. they might ask 插入语(parenthesis) I don’t like the book at all, to be honest. Some animals only half-hibernate, that is to say, their sleep is not such a deep one.

19 Para. 3 -Q What is the Chinese attitude toward food?
How does the writer support this point? Food is the first happiness in life. An example & quotations

20 Para. 3 –Q1 What is the Chinese attitude toward food?
Food is the first happiness in life. The Chinese eat with a capital E.

21 Para. 3 –Q2 2. How does the writer support this point?
examples & quotations

22 Para. 3 -Voc Profoundly: extremely; deeply
Having strangers criticize us is profoundly offensive to us. He could hardly calm down after that profoundly disturbing experience. derive from: to come from a source or origin The word “deduct” derives from Latin. The story derives from a very common folktale.

23 ecstasy -- Sudden intense feeling or excitement smother
He is in an ecstasy of joy. They went into ecstasies over the view. smother The killer smothered the child with a pillow. In the fall the grass is smothered with leaves. We tried to smother our laughter. 强忍住笑

24 lavish lav (=to wash) + -ish E.g. lavatory (water-closet)抽水马桶;厕所
She lavished her affection on her only child. 她对唯一的孩子过分溺爱。 (lavish on/upon)

25 Para. 3 - no less (…) than He is no less active than he used to be.
-- the same as; as many as He is no less active than he used to be. Our school has no less than 40,000 students.

26 Para. 3 –Sentence analysis
Food to my countrymen is one of the ecstasies of life, to be thought about in advance… Paraphrase: Food to us Chinese is one of the greatest joys in life: It is thought about before being prepared; it is treated with lots of love and care while being prepared; and when it is ready, it is enjoyed with excessive amount of time. To- infinitive clauses: to be thought about; to be smothered; to have time lavished… Attributive clauses 定语从句; parallelism

27 Para. 4 -Q How differently do the Chinese and Westerners behave when they go to a restaurant? What does “to eat with a capital E” mean?

28 1. Differences in behavior
Westerners: primary purpose: to socialize; minor purpose: to eat Position: a good open position from which to see and be seen Chinese: Primary purpose – to eat and enjoy Position: a small room with plain walls where a closed party cannot be seen

29 2. To eat with a capital E To enjoy the pleasure of eating and savoring Chinese people attach much importance and value to food and eating. For a Westerner, it is first of all to socialize, then to eat.

30 Para. 1-4 Sum-up The contrast between Chinese and Western attitudes towards food Key words (Western vs. Chinese): Indifferent to food vs. Food is one ecstasy of life Food is a fuel. Vs. Food is the first happiness. To socialize vs. To eat with a capital E

31 Part II (Para. 5-6) The cause of the international success of Chinese food. Question: How are these two paragraphs related? Answer: By coherence and cohesion (the use of reference). “How did this come about?”

32 Para. 5 -Q What message does the writer convey to us in this paragraph? Can you locate the topic sentence? What rhetorical technique is used in this paragraph?

33 Message /Topic sentence
Chinese food has become an international food. What rhetorical technique is used in this paragraph? Examples (details) Alliteration From Hong Kong to Honolulu to Hoboken to Huddersfield 从香港到檀香山(夏威夷),从霍布根(美国)到哈德斯菲尔德(英国)

34 Para. 5 -Voc marked :Striking, conspicuous 显著/显眼的
John worked really hard. He showed marked improvements in all the tests. There is a marked increase in economy. assert: To declare strongly 声称,断言,坚持 They asserted his innocence. You should assert yourself as the captain of this team. 你应该树立自己作为队长的权威。 assert oneself   坚持自己的权利

35 bedeck -- To decorate, to hang decoration on 修饰,装饰
The duchess bedecked herself with jewel. The car was bedecked with flowers for the wedding ceremony.

36 spring up --To emerge suddenly and in large quantity
spring up like mushrooms 如雨后春笋般涌现 Dim Sin Gai 点心鸡 Shao Shing soup 绍兴汤 Chiao-Tzu 饺子 Kuo-Tioh 锅贴 Ging Ai Kwar 京爱瓜(燕茄子)

37 Para. 6 -Q How did Chinese food become an international food? Or
What has helped the spread of Chinese food to the rest of the world?

38 Reasons of the international success of Chinese food
3 major reasons Many people from Hong Kong, China, under population pressure, opened restaurants in various places. The Western people have become interested in the pursuit of sensual pleasures and are eager to break the old Western habits. Sensual concept is an inherent element of Chinese food.

39 Para. 6 -Voc infamous /’infms / crucial =notorious声名狼藉的; 恶名昭著的
The general was infamous for his brutality. The famous pop singer has an infamous brother who has been jailed four times for theft. crucial -- Of highest, greatest, or most critical importance 至关重要的,关键的,决定性的 Water is crucial to our survival. The road of life is long, but only a few steps are crucial especially during some years when people are young.

40 part and parcel: a basic or essential part
Receptions are part and parcel of the chairman’s job. Working overtime is part and parcel of his job. inherent -- Existing as a natural and permanent quality 固有的,与生俱来的,内在的 The drug has certain inherent side effects. I'm afraid the problems you mention are inherent in the system.

41 Cf. sensible, sensitive, sensory (~ organs/nerves 感觉器官/神经 )
phenomenal -- Of a phenomenon; very remarkable, amazing 现象的;非凡的,了不起的 He enjoyed phenomenal success as a race car driver. She has a phenomenal memory. sensual, sense the sensual curves of her body 她体形的性感的曲线 He led a sensual life. 他整天沉迷酒色。 Cf. sensible, sensitive, sensory (~ organs/nerves 感觉器官/神经 )

42 texture 材料等的结构,质地,口感 The range of colour, pattern and texture is wide enough to suit every one's needs and taste. 颜色、图案及质地的多样化足以使每一个人的需求和审美要求得到满足。 Her skin has a fine texture. (皮肤的肌理) 她的皮肤细腻。

43 Dimensions 量度 长度 宽度 高度 深度 length width/ breadth height depth

44 Para. 6 -Sentences …inferior brand of Chinese cooking. 中国烹饪给人低人一等的印象
lower-class type 中国烹饪给人低人一等的印象

45 It is this increased sensuality and the desire for great freedom…
Sentence structure: It is…that 强调结构 Paraphrase: The main reason for the sudden and tremendous popularity of Chinese food throughout the whole Western world lies in two facts: One is the increased desire for sensual pleasures and freedom from age-old customs in the West; the other is the notion of physical pleasure provided by Chinese food which is always ready to satisfy the taste of the eater. Translation: 正是这种西方增长了的声色享受,和从长期的习惯束缚中解脱出来的渴望加上中餐内在的声色概念——中餐通常很快满足味觉——是中餐在西方世界各个角落迅猛传播的根源。

46 Part III (Para. 7-9) -- the nature of Chinese food
Pair work: Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.

47 Para. 7 Which sentence is the topic sentence?
How does the writer explain that the traditional high-quality Chinese meal is a serious matter?

48 Topic sentence: The traditional high-quality Chinese food is a serious matter. How does the author explain this? The writer uses figures to explain how complicated and time-consuming it is to prepare the Chinese meal. Then he lists several methods of cooking to show that cooking itself is no easy task.

49 Para. 7 -Voc batter 面糊;连续猛击
There’s someone battering at the door. 猛烈地敲门 The ship was battered to pieces by the storm. 暴风雨把船打得粉碎。

50 Methods for the heating of food (Pinyin +Explanations in English)
chu 煮 ts’ang 炝 t’a 炸 wei 煨

51 Para. 8 Which sentence is the topic sentence of this paragraph?
Why is a Chinese meal compared to a religious ceremony?

52 Topic sentence A proper Chinese meal can…proceed almost like a religious ceremony. Why …compared to a religious ceremony?

53 A Chinese meal is like a religious ceremony.
First, it is a shared experience rather than a lonely chore. Second, Just like a religious ceremony that follows significant ritual procedures, a Chinese meal proceeds with carefully planned dishes, where the harmonies and contrasts of elements not only whet (or stimulate) one’s appetite but also manifest the Chinese view on life. Third, a Chinese meal could be as time-consuming as preparing a religious ceremony.

54 Para. 8 …with its procession of …dishes
…courses that are served in order /… a number of dishes that are served one after another in an orderly way E.g. Water Banquet of Luo Yang (24 dishes) Please translate the last two sentences.

55 Para. 9 Which sentence is the topic sentence?
Why is it insufficient for a Chinese dish to please the palate only? /What else must be pleased besides the palate? Why?

56 Topic sentence The smooth harmonies and piquant contrasts in Chinese food are an expression of basic assumptions about life itself.

57 What else to please besides the palate?
The eye must be pleased, too. If a dish only tastes good, it misses an essential element of Chinese cuisine that links it to the concept of Tao. The philosophy that underlies Chinese food and everything else is Taoism, which signifies the proper human conduct and the ultimate harmony of the universe. In the enjoyment of food, the eye, as well as the palate, is the essential element to please. If the eye fails to be pleased, these essential elements are no longer in harmony.

58 Para. 9 –Voc conform to as such
-- To act in accordance with; to comply with Though educated, we still conform to some old customs. Her clothes are conformed to fashion. as such -- As the word is usually understood; in the strict sense of the word 就其本身而论;严格来说 The new job is not a promotion as such but it brings good prospects for the future. I can’t call my book a best seller as such but it’s very popular.

59 elusive, elude难懂的,难捉摸的,难记的
The Snowman who haunts the imagination of climbers in the Himalayas is hardly more elusive. The meaning of the poem was somewhat elusive. enterprise Tom is a man of great enterprise. 很有进取精神;事业心很强

60 Para. 9 –Sentence analysis
In a Chinese meal that has not been altered to conform to Western ideas… In a Chinese meal that has not been changed to adopt the Western ideas of eating, everything is served on the table as a kind of buffet, and the guest may eat a little of every dish as he likes. Sentence structure Core: everything is presented as a kind of buffet 独立主格结构(逻辑主语与主句主语不同;与主句间不用任何连接词): , the guest eating …a little of that

61 The smooth harmonies and piquant contrasts in Chinese food are more than just the products of recipes and personal enterprise. The combination of smooth harmonies and sharp differences in Chinese food is not only the products of recipes and personal efforts. smooth vs. piquant; harmony vs. contrast (unique nature of Chinese food: harmony and contrast) Translation: 中餐里的这种温和协调与美味对比不仅仅是菜肴和个人经营的产物,它们是对生活本身的基本设想的表现。

62 Para. 7-9 Can you summarize the nature of Chinese food?

63 Text comprehension (p.30-31)
1. C. Because the success and the nature of Chinese cooking are interrelated and interacted with each other; the nature of Chinese cooking contributed to the success of Chinese food and the success of Chinese food, in turn, kindled the world’s interest in Chinese cooking. Paragraphs 5 and 6 are chiefly a discussion of the international success of Chinese cooking and the rest of the passage is focused on the nature of Chinese cooking. So the best answer is C.

64 II. T or F 1. T. Refer to the last sentence of Paragraph 6. According to Lo, the crucial element in the spread of Chinese food throughout the Western world lies in the fact that Chinese food responded to the call for sensuality in the Western world at that time. 2. F. The sentence “Colour, texture, movement, food, drink, and rock music – all these have become much more a part and parcel of the average person’s life than they have ever been.” indicates that people in the past did not allow themselves to indulge in sensual pleasures.

65 3. T. Refer to Paragraph 7. According to Helen Burke, about 90% of the time is spent on all the preparations of the ingredients and only 10% of the time is spent in cooking itself. 4. T. Refer to Paragraph 9. An essential element of Chinese cooking is Tao, a basic concept in Taoism which believes that all things in the universe such as cooking, health, society, and the like are fused into one wholeness. In order to cook well, a chef should not only possess great cooking skills but more profoundly, a deep understanding of life itself. So a great chef of Chinese food should also be a great philosopher.

66 III. 1. Food and eating, according to Kenneth Lo, determines not only one’s physical health but also one's spiritual and moral soundness and his ultimate well-being. 2. It means that Chinese people attach much importance and value to food and eating. The purpose of going to a restaurant, for a Chinese, is simply to enjoy the pleasure of eating and savoring, whereas for a Westerner, it may be, first of all, to socialize, then to eat.

67 3. Refer to Paragraph 8. First, it is a shared experience rather than a lonely chore; second, all the dishes carefully planned and contrived seem to follow some intricate ritual of contrast and harmony, similar to the complex religious ceremony; lastly, preparing a Chinese meal could be as time-consuming as preparing a religious ceremony.

68 4. When we enjoy Chinese food, our eyes must be pleased as well as our palates. If a dish only tastes good, it misses an essential element of Chinese cuisine that links it to the concept of Tao. 5. The author sounds objective throughout the passage. He does not attempt to promote Chinese food but to give an objective account of Chinese food and cooking.

69 IV. 1. Food to us Chinese is one of the greatest joys in life: It is thought about before being pre­pared; it is treated with lots of love and care while being prepared; and when it is ready, it is enjoyed with excessive amount of time.

70 2. The main reason for the sudden and tremendous popularity of Chinese food throughout the whole Western world lies in two facts: One is the increased desire for sensual pleasures and freedom from age-old customs in the West; the other is the notion of physical pleasure provided by Chinese food which is always ready to satisfy the taste of the eater.

71 Structural analysis of the text
Paragraphs constitute the third part of the text. Paragraph 7: The traditional high-quality Chinese meal is a serious matter, fastidiously prepared and fastidiously enjoyed. Paragraph 8: The enjoyment must match the preparation. Paragraph 9: The smooth harmonies and piquant contrasts in Chinese food are an expression of basic assumptions about life itself.

72 Rhetorical features of the text
1. “... all these have become much more a part and parcel of the average person’s life ...” ( Paragraph 6) 2. “Meat and fish, solids and soups, sweet and sour sauces, ... ” (Paragraph 8)

73 比较结构 as…as, more…than, the most, enough to, too…to
A more intelligent man than…/ a man more intelligent than…/ more intelligent a man than… No +形容词/副词比较级+than-分句 Mary is no wiser than Jane.玛丽和简一样不聪明。Cf. Mary is not wiser than Jane. He is no more able to read Chinese than I am. 他看不懂中文,我也看不懂中文。 He is no more a writer than a painter. 既非…也非 A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is. She is not less beautiful than her sister. 她的美不亚于 Cf. She is no less beautiful than her sister. …一样 He was more of a poet than a king. 与其说…不如说…

74 Grammar exercises -IV. 1. That noise is more than I can bear.
2. We are more than happy to help you in any way we can. 3. No less than a thousand people participated in the marathon. 4. He is no more interested in chemistry than his brother. 5. It is more a poem than a picture. 6. He was accused of no less a crime than high treason.

75 Translation exercises -I
1. You should have told me in advance that you would further your studies in America. 2. He lavished too much care on his grandchildren. 3. Various new technology industries have sprung up. 4. Many English words derive from Latin, Greek and French words. 5. A philosopher holds that contradictory oppositions are ubiquitous. 6. His kindness is part and parcel of his nature. 7. He is possessed of phenomenal memory and intelligence. 8. He is fastidious about his food and clothes.

76 Translation exercises -II.
一个典型中国人的观点是:吃是第一乐事。中国人非常重视吃,以至于许多人还把它看成人生几大快事之一。这里有一个很有趣的例子,它说明西方人和中国人对待吃的不同态度。西方人上餐馆时,他们最关心的往往是找一张好的餐桌,更确切地说,找一个可以看见别人、又能让人看见的位置。然而,中国人上餐馆时,他们则喜欢找一间公共场合的人看不见的小房间。这种差别的原因在于,前者在用餐时由于有时会交流而感到惬意,而后者则主要从品尝美食中得到快乐。 许多人认为,一顿传统的精美中国餐准备工作极其细致。据说,备料和配料占实际准备的大约90%的工作量。烹调本身则仅仅占大约10%的工作量。既然准备如此细致,那么享用也应该与之相匹配。一顿正宗的中国宴席可以长达三个多小时。难怪有人说它像一个宗教仪式。

77 Exercises for integrated skills
I. Dictation. (Source: K. C. Chang, Food in Chinese Culture: Anthropological and Historical Perspective, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1977.)

78 In the Chinese culture, / the whole process of preparing food from raw ingredients to morsels ready for the mouth / is highly distinctive when compared with other food traditions. / At the base of this process is the division between fan, grains and other starch foods, / and ts’ai, vegetable and meat dishes. / To prepare a balanced meal, / it must have an appropriate amount of both fan and ts’ai, / and ingredients are readied along both tracks. / Grains are cooked whole or as flour, / making up the fan half of the meal in various forms. / Vegetables and meats are cut up and mixed in various ways into individual dishes / to constitute the ts’ai half. / Even in meals in which fan and ts’ai are joined together, such as in wonton, / they are in fact put together but not mixed up, / and each still retains its due proportion and own distinction.

79 Writing assignment for Week 3
With the advent of fast food chains from the West such as McDonald’s, KFC and Pizza Hut, the Chinese are being introduced to a new diet. Different people hold different opinions about Western fast food. What’s your opinion? Write an essay of about 200 words with the following title: Say No (Yes) to Western Fast Food After peer reviews, select one best essay of the group, whose author didn’t submit her/his second essay. Submit the selected essays on Sept. 28.

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