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Medicine Through Time.

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Presentation on theme: "Medicine Through Time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medicine Through Time

2 What do you know about medicine?
In pairs, discuss the following points: Have you ever been sick? What happened when you were unwell – did you go to hospital? A doctor? Where does medicine come from? What discoveries have been made in medicine? Can you name any illnesses?

3 Mapping Activity 1. On the map of Europe, label the following:
Germany Spain Portugal France UK Poland Italy Austria Greece Czech Republic Slovakia The Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg Bosnia Serbia Norway Sweden Finland Ukraine Iceland Croatia Denmark Hungary Ireland Switzerland Turkey 1. On the map of Europe, label the following: Don’t forget to give your map a title! 2. Once you have labeled all the countries correctly – glue into your book

4 Greek Gods Gods were very important in ancient Greece. People would often live their lives trying to make the gods happy. Which gods have you heard of?

5 Zeus God of the sky

6 Hera – Goddess of families

7 Poseidon

8 Hades Lord of the death

9 Asclepius Asclepius was the Greek god of medicine/healing.
It was said he was so skilled in medicine, that he could bring the dead back to life – unfortunately this was a crime and Zeus killed him with a thunderbolt. Luckily he passed much of what he knew on to his sons.

10 Look at the image below of Asclepius and his daughters – Panacea and Hygeia
Describe what is happening in the picture What can we learn about Asclepius from this image?


12 Using your copy of the cartoon, do the following:
Note down the meaning of any new words Highlight names Write a 30 word summary of what is happening (exactly 30 words)

13 Letter Imagine you are in ancient Greece and have been healed in the Temple of Asclepius – write a two paragraph letter detailing your medical problem, what happened at the Temple, what you saw and how you were cured and what you did when you left.

14 Extra information: https://sites. google
Extra information: What is the symbol for medicine?

15 Check in-Reflect Question- Who came up with the 4 HUMORS
Check in-Reflect Question- Who came up with the 4 HUMORS? Please look up the meaning of Humor on google- who is the first one to answer? Hippocrates- Humor has different meanings, but is is all about the Mental state

16 According to this theory, the body has four key elements that must be utterly in balance for it to work properly. If one of these were not in balance (eg. you had too much or too little) then you would feel ill. The obvious cure for this was to do the opposite.

17 “For example, if you had too much blood in your body, and got a nosebleed, you would be bled using a bleeding cup to let out the excess blood. The phlegm would be evident if you had a cold, the yellow bile if you were being sick, and the black bile if you had a blood clot.” “A small incision would be made just above the elbow, and you would hold the cup to this cut while the excess blood dripped out into it. So, you can see why this was a very key theory to Hippocrates' success in medicine. This was a big step towards using natural causes and cures to explain diseases.”

18 Causes of Change Open the Following link: https://www. youtube

19 Individually: 1- Listen to the movie and write down important times, dates and happenings/Changes! With a partner: 2-Create a timeline that shows the Change of Medicine over time, both draft in note-book, make sure to:

20 3- With your partner write down what the push was for changes/developments of Medicine over time. 4- Big Conceptual Question to answer- Why is there a longer life span today? Factual Question: What is a life span? What were the averages life-spans over time?

21 5-Big Conceptual Question: What caused the changes of Healthcare/medicine over time? Write down at least 3 Factual questions that will help you answer this Question Conceptual Question.

22 TIP: Cite your sources if you decided to ‘google’ something or if you used the information from the youtube video, refer to this website as well!

23 Final assignment! Make sure to check your notes-draft with me and that you have come up with a way that you would like to present your time-line.

24 Basic Requirements for Time-line changes over Time
1-Title your work, add your names and Year. 2-Make sure that you show/display the answers to the Conceptual Questions and the factual Questions within your work. 3- Make sure your timeline is detailed and shows the times, dates and events correctly. It should be clear and informative. 4-Make sure to have cited all your sources. 5-Each student individually writes up a reflection using the Retell- (be able to show your knowledge and understanding)- Relate-(think critically) Reflect sheet (come to a conclusion-answer to conceptual question with reasoning) (. (Sheet handed out in class)

25 When writing an Essay Points to remember:
Spelling, grammar and punctuation always matter A good plan makes writing a lot easier When you plan an essay you may notice that you have some gaps of content that need filling, take the time to get extra information to make the essay detailed, interesting and accurate. Not all information is needed, so edit your work to make sure it addresses the given question.

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