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Promotion of AA Projects 2015/2016 ICM Batumi 18 th -25 th October 2015.

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1 Promotion of AA Projects 2015/2016 ICM Batumi 18 th -25 th October 2015

2 The European Law Students’ Association Albania ˙ Austria ˙ Azerbaijan ˙ Belgium ˙ Bosnia and Herzegovina ˙ Bulgaria ˙ Croatia ˙ Cyprus ˙ Czech Republic ˙ Denmark ˙ Estonia ˙ Finland ˙ France ˙ Georgia ˙ Germany ˙ Greece ˙ Hungary ˙ Iceland ˙ Ireland ˙ Italy ˙ Kazakhstan ˙ Latvia ˙ Lithuania ˙ Luxembourg ˙ Malta ˙ Montenegro ˙ The Netherlands ˙ Norway ˙ Poland ˙ Portugal ˙ Republic of Macedonia ˙ Romania ˙ Russian Federation ˙ Serbia ˙ Slovak Republic ˙ Slovenia ˙ Spain ˙ Sweden ˙ Switzerland ˙ Turkey ˙ Ukraine ˙ United Kingdom European Human Rights Moot Court Competition 18th of August: Launch 8th of November: registration deadline 15th of November: written submissions’ deadline 15th – 18th February: Final Oral Round in Strasbourg Registration Written Submissions Final Oral Round Fact: Layout for the materials is made by Council of Europe.

3 The European Law Students’ Association Albania ˙ Austria ˙ Azerbaijan ˙ Belgium ˙ Bosnia and Herzegovina ˙ Bulgaria ˙ Croatia ˙ Cyprus ˙ Czech Republic ˙ Denmark ˙ Estonia ˙ Finland ˙ France ˙ Georgia ˙ Germany ˙ Greece ˙ Hungary ˙ Iceland ˙ Ireland ˙ Italy ˙ Kazakhstan ˙ Latvia ˙ Lithuania ˙ Luxembourg ˙ Malta ˙ Montenegro ˙ The Netherlands ˙ Norway ˙ Poland ˙ Portugal ˙ Republic of Macedonia ˙ Romania ˙ Russian Federation ˙ Serbia ˙ Slovak Republic ˙ Slovenia ˙ Spain ˙ Sweden ˙ Switzerland ˙ Turkey ˙ Ukraine ˙ United Kingdom ELSA Moot Court Competition Registration Written Submissions Regional Rounds Final Oral Round 18th of September: launch 29th of November: registration deadline 24th of January: written submissions’ deadline February-April: Regional Rounds 7th – 12th of June: Final Oral Round in Geneva

4 The European Law Students’ Association Albania ˙ Austria ˙ Azerbaijan ˙ Belgium ˙ Bosnia and Herzegovina ˙ Bulgaria ˙ Croatia ˙ Cyprus ˙ Czech Republic ˙ Denmark ˙ Estonia ˙ Finland ˙ France ˙ Georgia ˙ Germany ˙ Greece ˙ Hungary ˙ Iceland ˙ Ireland ˙ Italy ˙ Kazakhstan ˙ Latvia ˙ Lithuania ˙ Luxembourg ˙ Malta ˙ Montenegro ˙ The Netherlands ˙ Norway ˙ Poland ˙ Portugal ˙ Republic of Macedonia ˙ Romania ˙ Russian Federation ˙ Serbia ˙ Slovak Republic ˙ Slovenia ˙ Spain ˙ Sweden ˙ Switzerland ˙ Turkey ˙ Ukraine ˙ United Kingdom Moot Court Competitions Clear brands Promotion packages Information and recruitment events Final Oral Rounds Connection with ELSA #EMCC, #ELSAWTO#EHRMCC

5 - International publication with Council of Europe - Tangible results – we actually produce a product - Size: 1,577 pages – 28 countries – 250+ involved people - Hot topics - The main reason of invitations/co-operations - Report on the site of CoE – Official certification - Internationality – Exchange students can participate Your report on the website of CoE Legal Research Group

6 The European Law Students’ Association Albania ˙ Austria ˙ Azerbaijan ˙ Belgium ˙ Bosnia and Herzegovina ˙ Bulgaria ˙ Croatia ˙ Cyprus ˙ Czech Republic ˙ Denmark ˙ Estonia ˙ Finland ˙ France ˙ Georgia ˙ Germany ˙ Greece ˙ Hungary ˙ Iceland ˙ Ireland ˙ Italy ˙ Kazakhstan ˙ Latvia ˙ Lithuania ˙ Luxembourg ˙ Malta ˙ Montenegro ˙ The Netherlands ˙ Norway ˙ Poland ˙ Portugal ˙ Republic of Macedonia ˙ Romania ˙ Russian Federation ˙ Serbia ˙ Slovak Republic ˙ Slovenia ˙ Spain ˙ Sweden ˙ Switzerland ˙ Turkey ˙ Ukraine ˙ United Kingdom The demands are higher than attending a simple lecture – it requires commitment No clear brand or promotion strategy Special attention to the marketing is needed

7 The European Law Students’ Association TIMELINE – 2 phases AUGSEPOCTNOVDECJANFEB MAR APR MAY JUN EHRMCC EMC2 ELSA DAY STEP 1. STEP 2. Beginning of the term X Big launch Promotion period Publication AUGSEPOCTNOVDEC Beginning of the term X+1 Promotion of the conference Conference

8 The European Law Students’ Association Albania ˙ Austria ˙ Azerbaijan ˙ Belgium ˙ Bosnia and Herzegovina ˙ Bulgaria ˙ Croatia ˙ Cyprus ˙ Czech Republic ˙ Denmark ˙ Estonia ˙ Finland ˙ France ˙ Georgia ˙ Germany ˙ Greece ˙ Hungary ˙ Iceland ˙ Ireland ˙ Italy ˙ Kazakhstan ˙ Latvia ˙ Lithuania ˙ Luxembourg ˙ Malta ˙ Montenegro ˙ The Netherlands ˙ Norway ˙ Poland ˙ Portugal ˙ Republic of Macedonia ˙ Romania ˙ Russian Federation ˙ Serbia ˙ Slovak Republic ˙ Slovenia ˙ Spain ˙ Sweden ˙ Switzerland ˙ Turkey ˙ Ukraine ˙ United Kingdom Use the facts about the report: Over 1000 pages long Academic background - Council of Europe Use digital media: # – make it searchable @ - connect it to other contributors; let the contributors know that you are raising the awareness Use the LRG page on Tips & tricks

9 The European Law Students’ Association Albania ˙ Austria ˙ Azerbaijan ˙ Belgium ˙ Bosnia and Herzegovina ˙ Bulgaria ˙ Croatia ˙ Cyprus ˙ Czech Republic ˙ Denmark ˙ Estonia ˙ Finland ˙ France ˙ Georgia ˙ Germany ˙ Greece ˙ Hungary ˙ Iceland ˙ Ireland ˙ Italy ˙ Kazakhstan ˙ Latvia ˙ Lithuania ˙ Luxembourg ˙ Malta ˙ Montenegro ˙ The Netherlands ˙ Norway ˙ Poland ˙ Portugal ˙ Republic of Macedonia ˙ Romania ˙ Russian Federation ˙ Serbia ˙ Slovak Republic ˙ Slovenia ˙ Spain ˙ Sweden ˙ Switzerland ˙ Turkey ˙ Ukraine ˙ United Kingdom Create national promotion strategies: Structure your promotion Bring printed materials to your events (LRG brochure coming up!) Translate it to your languages Testimonials and videos Don’t forget – we are not only targeting ELSA members! Find related fora and use them for your promotion Broaden your promotion paths – e.g. Facebook groups Print your National Report and have it accessible in your libraries Tips & tricks

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