Transforming Statistics into Knowledge

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Presentation on theme: "Transforming Statistics into Knowledge"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transforming Statistics into Knowledge
Enrico Giovannini, Russell Penlington, Lynda Hawe OECD

2 Statistics: What’s the Story?
To some users the way which statistics are presented is confusing and sometimes boring. How can users easily interpret statistics in order to make informative decisions, in everyday life and in business? Where can we find the best information to make decisions quickly and easily? How can we interpret what we find?

3 Decisions: Many Stories…
I’m Jack in London, England. I am considering moving to Portugal. In order to make this decision, I need information. I would like this information to be provided to me easily and quickly. I need to work so I want to know about employment rates in Portugal.

4 Jack’s Story Part 1: Finding
Jack find’s a table on the Internet: The information is there, but Jack cannot interpret it to make a confident decision.

5 Jack’s Story Part 2: Interpretation
Jack find’s a graph on the Internet: The information is displayed in order for Jack to easily interpret it.

6 Jack’s Story Part 3: Knowledge
Jack is knowledgeable about the higher and increasing unemployment rate in Portugal. Jack can make an informed decision based on the information provided in a graphical format.

7 Dynamic Graphics: Transforming Statistics into Knowledge 1. Use of ICT - New technology can enable us to disseminate statistics in a wide range of creative formats, to meet specific requirements. 2. Users are increasingly demanding Graphical formats of statistics, so that they can easily interpret them to make informed decisions quickly. 3. Graphical representation of statistics can show up trends and data discrepancies for statisticians and end users. Pictures tell a thousand words…

8 The use of ICT – New Technology with the Web 2.0
Rapid Applications Develepment (RAD) tools - like Flex Web 2.0 platforms Videos to share and discuss – like YouTube Blogs RSS feeds

9 OECD Factbook with Dynamic Graphics
SourceOECD: Factbook 2007 Adobe Flex : OECD Factbook Dynamic Graphics YouTube Flex Demo of Dynamic Graphics - OECD Video : Demo of Dynamic Graphics Video Swivel : OECD Factbook 2007 on Swivel Spider Graphs : Excel Format

10 RSS feed – Job search

11 Blogs to tell stories and to interact
Blog about Stats: Naked data New Tools: The Way Forward At Harvard : Social Science Statistics Blog

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