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Rhetorical devices In this presentation we are going to look at the ways writers can make their communication more effective.

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Presentation on theme: "Rhetorical devices In this presentation we are going to look at the ways writers can make their communication more effective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rhetorical devices In this presentation we are going to look at the ways writers can make their communication more effective.

2 Brainstorm the types of purposes a writer may have.
The first thing to remember is that writers write with a purpose. Brainstorm the types of purposes a writer may have.

3 Here are just some ideas:
To explain something To persuade you To amuse you To give you information To entertain you To shock you To make you feel strongly about something Look back at your own answers and mine. Try to think of examples of each type of writing.

4 There are many ways that a writer can make their writing more effective in achieving its purpose. For example, if your purpose is how to make something, you can use sequencers to show the steps the reader needs to take (E.g. First, Next, Then, After that, Finally, etc.) Writers can use italics and bold to highlight important words and phrases. We’re going to look at some techniques which people have used for many hundreds of years. These are sometimes called ‘rhetorical devices’.

5 The ‘device’ part is just another way of saying ‘technique’.
The ‘rhetorical’ part means to do with persuasion and effective speaking and writing. The ‘device’ part is just another way of saying ‘technique’.

6 Repetition Repeating important words or phrases can indicate to the reader that they are important. They help to make the writing more persuasive. E.g. Tony Blair has said that his main priority as Prime minister would be ‘Education. Education. Education.’

7 Lists (especially of three)
For some reason a list of three fixes itself in a reader’s/listener’s mind. E.g. School uniform is uncomfortable, expensive and old-fashioned.

8 Alliteration You will probably remember that alliteration is where two or more words begin with the same letter. E.g. You should take up juggling because it is fantastic fun.

9 Rhetorical Questions These are questions where you don’t expect the audience or the reader to answer. They are a way of putting a question in their mind so that you can answer it. Teachers do this all the time. E.g. So, what did the Romans do for us?

10 Personal Involvement This is useful when you are trying to persuade people to your point of view or when you want people to, say, buy something from you. E.g. I, too, know what it is like to sit in a hot classroom wearing a thick school blazer. Or I was a heavy smoker and thought I’d never be able to give up. Then I discovered ‘Smokenomore’ patches.

11 Audience Involvement Your writing can be more effective if you draw the audience into the topic. E.g. I know that many of you have endured the misery of over-cooked school dinners.

12 Quotes Using the words of famous people can enhance your meaning. E.g. As John F. Kennedy once said, ‘Ask not what my country can do for me but what can I do for my country.’

13 Facts and statistics These help to show that what you are saying is backed up by more than just your opinion. E.g. A University of Neasden study showed that 85% of homework was a waste of time.

14 Of course, you can combine these devices.
E.g. A University of Neasden study proved that 85%, I repeat, 85% of homework was dull, dreary drudgery.



17 Plenary These, then, are some of the ways that writers can make their writing more effective in achieving its purpose. Repetition Lists Alliteration Rhetorical Questions Personal Involvement Audience Involvement Quotes Facts and Statistics

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