GGM Integration Stefano Colafranceschi for the Frascati group

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1 GGM Integration Stefano Colafranceschi for the Frascati group in collaboration with Giovanni Polese and Filip Thyssen September 21, 2009 The gas monitoring system is based on small RPC detectors in a cosmic ray telescope whose working point (gain and efficiency) is continuously monitored online. The gas monitoring system is designed to provide determination of shifts in working point conditions. The GGM gaps are located in the SGX5 gas room, the charge response to cosmic rays is monitored for three subsystems fluxed with fresh, before purifiers, after purifiers gas mixes. 12 May 2018 S.Colafranceschi - GGM INTEGRATION 1

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GGM Layout 12 May 2018 S.Colafranceschi - GGM INTEGRATION 2

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Integration of GGM in DCS is complex New problems such as the readout of CAEN VME ADCs for gaps charges needed to be solved for integration into xDAQ New drivers written by IT department for PICO T/p/RH sensors General plan of the DCS system: 3 computers in the .cms network take care of reading data variables from VME crate Environmental sensors CAEN power supply cms-rpc-dcs-07 XDAQ dst file ROOT file (adc spectrum) metadata OPC SERVER LABVIEW Picotech sensor cms-rpc-dcs-09 DCS PVSS HV, I monitoring Environment Daq variables cms-rpc-dcs-08 XDAQ PC PVSS PC ENVIRONMENTAL PC CMS RPC Shifter OPEN PROBLEM!! 12 May 2018 S.Colafranceschi - GGM INTEGRATION 4

5 Gas Gain Monitoring – Integration
INTERNET cms network cms-rpc-dcs-07 cms-rpc-dcs-08 cms-rpc-dcs-09 XDAQ DCS PVSS OPC SERVER dst file ROOT file (adc spectrum) metadata HV, I monitoring Environment Daq variables LABVIEW Picotech sensor cronjob and preparation Open Problem!! DROPBOX popcondev ORCON DB OMDS DB DB offline for conditioning and calibration streaming ORCOFF DB 12 May 2018 S.Colafranceschi - GGM INTEGRATION 5

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GGM status DCS Control Panels to be fully integrated in the DCS RPC 12 May 2018 S.Colafranceschi - GGM INTEGRATION 6 6

All Packages have been already tested in the public network DAQ system (XDAQ package) HV, I monitoring (PVSS package) P/T/TH gas sensors (LabView package) Data transfer tested in the public network From/to PVSS DCS to pico sensors through OPC From/to PVSS DCS to trial DB (many problems found!) From/to XDAQ to VME controller Data transfer that cannot be tested (easily) in the public network FROM XDAQ to PVSS (PSX package), expecting help provided by experts Data transfer that cannot be tested at all in the public network From/to PVSS DCS to official CMS DB OMDS ), expecting help provided by experts Once done last two steps;To test the beta version from the cms private network: login to, login to cmsusrX rdesktop cms-rpc-dcs08 (DCS computer with the daq, HV, I monitoring, environment monitoring) done done 12 May 2018 S.Colafranceschi - GGM INTEGRATION 7

8 Open problem PSX server
cms-rpc-dcs-07 cms-rpc-dcs-08 XDAQ DCS PVSS “PSX server is supposed to send GGM daq value (streamer, avalanche monitoring and efficiency) from our XDAQ application to PVSS through a SOAP protocol” dst file ROOT file (adc spectrum) metadata HV, I monitoring Environment Daq variables RPC PSX This server is needed to export the variables from the XDAQ application, linux based, to DCS PVSS datapoints Outside cms network: any PSX server ready-to-use available, we have tried to setup it but encountered many problems, and at the moment it doesn’t’ work. Installed PVSS 3.7 Installed XDAQ WORKSUITE and PSX compiled package Communication problem with the PSX server, during the setup something was wrong; the expert L.Orsini suggested to use the central one. 2. Inside cms network the RPC PSX server is running, but encountered problems using it, it seems we have to be fully integrated to have access to this server. We expect from Gomez-Reino Garrido  (the expert) the possibility to use this server. 12 May 2018 S.Colafranceschi - GGM INTEGRATION 8

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WHAT IS LEFT TO DO… Open problem: Developing/Debugging integration protocols (PSX) in the .cms network, what we have done: Installed PVSS/XDAQ WORKSUITE and PSX to setup a private PSX server Tried to use the central PSX server but no communication Open problem discussed with F. Thyssen, G. Polese and R. Gomez-Reino Garrido, we expect to use “easily” the central PSX server as soon as possible From/to DCS PVSS to official CMS database OMDS, thanks to G. Polese PVSS panel ready to be integrated in the main RPC shifter panel 12 May 2018 S.Colafranceschi - GGM INTEGRATION 9

10 Stefano Bianco - CMS Frascati - Riunione referee
GGM References M.Abbrescia et al., Gas analysis and monitoring systems for the RPC detector of CMS at LHC, LNF P, LNF P, Jan pp. 
Presented by S.Bianco at 2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS), Medical Imaging Conference (MIC) and 15th International Room Temperature Semiconductor Detector Workshop, San Diego, California, 29 Oct - 4 Nov 
e-Print: physics/ L.BENUSSI et al. for the CMS RPC Collab., Sensitivity and environmental response of the CMS RPC gas gain monitoring system. FRASCATI-PREPRINT-LNF (P), Dec pp, e-Print: arXiv: [physics.ins-det], presented by L.Benussi at RPC07, Mumbai (India) 2008, Nucl. Instr. and Methods A 602 (2009), pp L.BENUSSI et al. for the CMS RPC Collab., The CMS RPC gas gain monitoring system: an overview and preliminary results. FRASCATI-PREPRINT-LNF-08-29(P), Dec pp. e-Print: arXiv: [physics.ins-det], presented by S.Colafranceschi at IEEE08, Dresden (Germany) 2008, published in JINST 4:P08006,2009. Stefano Bianco - CMS Frascati - Riunione referee

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SPARE 12 May 2018 S.Colafranceschi - GGM INTEGRATION

12 Gas Gain Monitoring Performance
Coherent effects cancel out due to system redundancy. The two-gap ratio cancels out Long-term environmental effects at the +-2% level +-2%rms Gas Gain Monitoring Performance Avalanche Streamer Anode charge in avalanche-streamer transition region monitors shifts in working point. Large dependence on gas mix components 0.3% SF6 0% SF6 Gaussian Fit s = 1.7% Stefano Bianco - CMS Frascati - Riunione referee

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